Latest Ladies Malfoozat

Be cautious of fraudulent individuals posing as Aamils!
Posted On Tue, 23/07/2024 - 11:51
One Aalim that is a student of ours informed me that I know these people as I am in touch with these Aamils. You won’t believe how many of your good women go to them. Their Imaan, respect and honour is all looted from them.  When people become desperate whether it be for acquiring children or due to some illness, then people do the worst of things, unless the Imaan of a person is not strengthened. These people are there not only to loot your money but they will loot your Imaan, respect and honour.  May Allah Ta'ala reward and raise the ranks of Rasulullah (SallAllahu alayhi wasallam) that when the world was filled with darkness, he left the world with Hidayat and Noor. This was so strong that the entire Ka’aba was cleansed from all idols. All forms of superstitious beliefs were removed but unfortunately today many of us are back in the days of paganism. We should cleanse and purify our hearts of these things or else our Tahajjud Salaah, recitation of Quraan, Duas are all contaminated. It is like a person who throws urine into a two hundred litre drum of Zam-Zam. Many good people that are regarded as Sufis, Tablighis, Ulama who are giving Bayaans, that Allah Ta'ala is the doer of all things, also flock to the Aamils when faced with difficulty.


Ladies Malfoozat Library

A new name for immodesty
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Importance of Home Taleem
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Why Don't People Practise
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Rabia Basriah's Advices
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