How to bring up children?_1
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It should be borne in mind that the bringing up of children in the proper manner is of prime importance. This is because whatever good or bad habits they learn in their childhood, they do not leave them for the rest of their lives. From the time of infancy till they reach maturity, the following matters should be strictly adhered to:
1. Ensure that the child drinks the milk of a pious, religious woman. Milk has a great effect in the life of a person.
2. It is the habit of women to frighten their children by mentioning the police or other frightening persons or objects. This is an evil habit. Children become weak-hearted because of this.
3. Set aside specific times for making him drink his milk or feeding him so that he may remain healthy.
4. Keep him clean, neat and tidy because one remains healthy in this way.
5. Do not beautify and adorn the child excessively.
6. If the child is a boy, do not lengthen the hair on his head.
7. If it is a girl, do not make her wear any jewellery as long as she does not reach the age where she has to observe purdah. This is because this will pose a danger to her life. The other reason is that it is not a good habit to create a love for jewellery in a girl's mind when she is still so young. to be continued...
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