Etiquttes for Wives_Part 3

15.) Learn to communicate constructively. Make a resolution that at the time of a problem you would sit down and discuss in a dignified manner, without raising voices or being abusive; or you will seek advice from someone you both can confide in.

16.) You cannot choose not to communicate - even your silence and body language can send important messages. However, they may be misinterpreted and could cause more harm.

17.) Misunderstandings and minor differences should not be suppressed. Rather discuss them in an amicable manner; else this could ultimately lead to a broken marriage (May Allaah Ta'ala save us.)

18.) If you are overcome by anger, then immediately move away from that place, drink water and recite:
 أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
If possible, make wudhu. Never discuss a problem in the state of anger. Calm down first.

19.) Don’t ever argue in public or in front of the children. This can affect the children psychologically and could prove detrimental to the marriage.

20.) In a serious conflict, call in arbitrators from both sides and let the matter be solved amicably.

21.) Exercise patience. Never make hasty decisions which you will regret later. “Allaah is with those who exercise patience.”

22.) Control your tongue at all times. One of the main reasons for breakup of marriages is the misuse of the tongue. Thereafter you
will regret for the rest of your life. Rasulullaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, “He who keeps silent is saved.” Remember that wounds afflicted by swords may heal, but the wounds afflicted by the tongue very seldom heal.

23.) Learn to admit your mistakes. This is a sign of humility. Do not attempt to justify your mistakes.

24.) Rasulullaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, “The woman who asks her husband for a divorce (without a valid reason), the fragrance of
Jannah becomes unlawful for her.”

25.) Respect, and honour your husband’s parents as your own, address them politely and treat them kindly as you would treat your own parents. For the sake of your own happiness and for the sake of your husband, it is essential to maintain a good relationship with the in-laws. (to be continued..)