Bullying by fellow students and not enjoying my studies


I have currently two difficulties I am facing:


  1. In my class, there are boys of various age groups with different temperaments; as a result, I am finding it difficult to study because they are abusing me verbally. I cannot stay away from them, because my Madressah is very small. My ustaads are also experiencing a communication problem with them.

  2. Currently, our principal is looking at my class with a very watchful eye, moreover at me, especially when I make mutala'ah or takraar with someone else. He shouts at me and tells me that I am making panchayat (gossip) like a granny. When I tell him that I am doing my work, he says I am back chatting him. On a few occasions he told me to rather go to another Madressah to study.

A few days ago, He told the 1st year class that they must check on our class, make us do our work and must hit us if we don’t listen. Allah Ta’ala knows best whether he was serious, but some of these boys are bullying me and they said that the principal told them to hit me and my cousin. I had a good relationship with my cousin, now I have problems with him and I am not enjoying my studies.



1. Try your best to keep your distance from them, physically and talking, etc. as much as is possible. Try your best just to ignore them, carry on with your own work and fikr.


2. The principal is doing everything for your benefit, show him utmost respect and do not take his statements, like the other boys must hit you, or that you must go to another Madressah, serious. Don't give him reason also to say such things. Be very polite and humble! Exercise a lot of sabr. Sabr is bitter and difficult to make but the fruit of it is very sweet!