Mazahirul Haq states that when a person comes for Jamaat Salaah he can make up to fifteen intentions. If a person manages to make all fifteen intentions then it is as though he has come seventy five times to the Masjid. Who will come 75 times to the Masjid, yet by making the Niyyat one attains the reward of coming seventy five times to the Masjid. 

After practising upon this a few times, it will become routine. The moment you start an Amal, the intention will follow suit. When starting to eat one will recite Bismillah automatically. Spending forty days in the Khanqah is absolutely effective in developing these things. What to say then about four forty day periods? In a four month period a complete change comes into the life of a person, just as life is put into a baby after four months.

When proceeding to the Masjid, make intention of making Salaam to people or responding to those that make Salaam. In a narration of Kanzul Ummal, if one makes Salaam to twenty people a day he gets the death of a Shaheed. This is all achieved on the basis of Niyyat. Another intention when proceeding to the Masjid is that you will accept the advice offered by people. If there is an opportunity, I will advise the people. I will be in the best place on the surface of the earth, I will engage in Duas, Muhaasaba, Muraaqaba, etc. The intelligence of a person is how can he bring out these things and thereby make his Deen valuable. 

This is the month of Ramdaan that is coming, we should try and make as many Khatms as possible. Ibn Katheer  has written that there are so many intentions that can be made when reciting Quraan Sharif. These intentions have all been listed on the website. One page of Quraan recited with intention is far superior to reciting a complete Para without any intention. 

One Niyyat that one should make is that this is the speech of Allah Ta'ala by which I will attain a close connection with Allah Ta;ala. If Quraan is recited without understanding then too Allah Ta'ala will bless a person with the Haqeeqat of Deen. An ordinary person will be bestowed with deep understanding of Deen even more than an Alim who has studied the science of Tafseer and has perhaps written on the subject as well.

There are many things that we learn from the elderly people. It is mentioned, Question the Ulema, sit with the elderly, mix with the wise (Allah Wala)  A person that is advising his wife and children should make an intention of all the children of the world and Allah Ta'ala will convey the message. Ibrahim alayhis salaam was commanded to call the people towards Makkah Sharif for Haj. He said, “O Allah! I am in the barren lands of Makkah where there isn’t a single soul, who will listen to this message of mine?” Allah Ta'ala said, “Your duty is to call, and my duty is to convey.” How didn’t Allah Ta'ala convey the message! So, Allah  will convey the message, and you will get the reward whether Allah  conveys the message or not.