Hajj (A Pillar of Islam)

When the month of Ramdaan would terminate and the moon of Shawwal would be sighted then Hadrat Sheikh R.A would say that Allah Ta'ala is now inviting us to his house. How angry wouldn’t a person get if a family member doesn’t invite us to his place or function? Allah Ta'ala is inviting every person for haj which we may term as Izn-e-Aam. A pious person says that one was facing the Ka’aba throughout his life. Now one has been blessed with the opportunity to be in front of the Ka’ba. A poet says,

سنا ہے تیرے درپے تیرے عاشقوں کا ہجوم  ہوگا

اگر اجازت ہو میں بھی ان میں شامل ہوجاوَں

We have heard that there are crowds of your lovers at your threshold

If there is permission I also wish to be included amongst them

When the Hajis are departing for Haj we should also have a desire to be amongst the Hujjaj. Haj is the final fundamental from amongst the fundamentals of Islam. First a person has been commanded to bring Imaan upon Allah Ta'ala, thereafter a person strengthens his relationship with Allah c by performing Salaah. In the month of Ramdaan a person expresses his love for Allah Ta'ala by remaining hungry for the pleasure of Allah, and spending his wealth in the path of Allah by discharging his Zakaat. When a person has proved himself to Allah Ta'ala then a person is finally called to the house of Allah Ta'ala and hosted by Allah Ta'ala with the water of Zam-Zam.

We should spiritually prepare ourselves before undertaking our journey of Haj. If one is not spiritually prepared then a person will undertake this journey and return without any change whatsoever. Many people do not even perform their obligatory Salaah whilst travelling to Makkah Mukarramah. Many people miss their Jamaat Salaah and perform their Salaah in their hotel rooms, many get involved in arguments over food in the hotels. For many it is taking photographs of others in front of the Rawdah-e-Mubarak in Madinah or in front of the Multazam in Makkah Sharif. This is the result of not correcting ourselves prior to undertaking the journey of Haj.

A group of people were once undertaking their journey to Haj (which was a Nafl Haj). A Buzurg (pious person) asked them, “Where are you people going?” They replied that they were on their way to perform Haj. He then asked, “Do you know the owner of the house?” They replied in the negative. He then said, “Stay with me for a year, I will explain to you who is the owner of the house and then you should undertake your journey for Haj.” A beautiful example has been given to understand what is the condition of a person who undertakes a journey to haj but hasn’t corrected his life, it is likened to having the best of seeds and irrigation system for planting but he merely throws the seeds on the ground. He does not plough the land and plant the seeds. Such a person will not receive any crops.  

When a person spiritually rectifies his life, recognises Allah Ta'ala and then undertakes this journey then such a person will return completely changed. He will now start performing his Qadha Salaah that he had missed, protect his gaze from Na-Mahram women, fulfil the commands of Allah Ta'ala and abstain from the disobedience of Allah, etc.

Allah Ta'ala says,

إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

Indeed the first house designated (appointed and set up) for man (as a direction to worship Allaah) was the one at Bakkah (Makkah) which is blessed and a guidance for the (people of the) universe. 

فِيهِ آيَاتٌ بَيِّـنَاتٌ مَّقَامُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ

In it are clear signs; (among these is) the Maqaam (station) of Ibraheem A.S

From the time a person leaves home he will witness great signs on this journey. Amongst the great signs that a person will witness in Makkah Mukarramah is the “Maqaam-e-Ibrahim.” This is not the golden case that is located on the Tawaaf area but it is actually the stone that is placed in the golden case with the footprints of Ibrahim A.S. This stone had served as an elevator when Ibrahim A.S was building the Ka’ba. Whilst expanding the Haram the Saudis have endeavoured to move the Maqaam-e-Ibrahim but were unsuccessful in their efforts in spite of using heavy duty machinery. Ismail u had assisted his father in constructing the Ka’aba. The son would carve the rocks and convey it to the father and the father would place them in the building of the Ka’ba. One should recognise the Qudrat and power of Allah Ta'ala by looking at the Maqaam-e-Ibrahim.

Another great sign is the well of Zam-Zam. During the 1970’s the U.S. government had given the Saudis a bag containing tablets which should be inserted into the well of Zam-Zam so that the well can be dried. At that time the local Saudi people would not touch the water of Zam-Zam as they doubted the purity of the water. They felt that the water was contaminated with sewer. The king ruling at that particular time was King Faizel and he had ordered an engineer to inspect the water. He explained that the well is about 2m high, 2m wide and 2m long. The engineer couldn’t understand the source of the water. He instructed his assistant to step into the well as it was just was 2m deep. The assistant explained that he was able to feel a little opening at the bottom of the well with his feet and water was gushing out with great force. Millions of people use this water daily and there is no shortage. Nowadays, this water is being pumped to Madinah Munawwarah as well. This is also a great sign of Allah Ta'ala.

A person should remain in the company of some pious person or lover of Allah Ta'ala and recognise Allah prior to undertaking this journey so that one derives maximum benefit. May Allah Ta’ala afford us the opportunity to be present repeatedly in the holy lands of Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah and may Allah Ta'ala accept the haj of all the Hujjaj. Ameen!