عن أنس قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم : هل من أحد مشي على الماء إلا ابتلت قدماه قالوا : لا يا رسول الله قال : كذلك صاحب الدنيا لا يسلم من الذنوب  (بيهقي)

Hadrat Anas R.A. says that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Can a person walk on water in such a way that his feet do not become wet?” The Sahaaba Radiallahu Anhum replied, “No, O Rasul of Allah.” Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “This is the condition of the worldly people, they unable to abstain from sins.”


The meaning of the Hadith is that the wealthy people should pay particular attention in trying to refrain from the love of the world, and they should give preference to the hereafter over the world. If one does not disincline from the world then it will be impossible to abstain from sins. Is this harm of the wealth of Dunya any less that the poor will enter Jannat 500 years before the wealthy? (Mazaahir-e-Haq)

Hadrat Saadi Shiraazi R.A. has written the incident of an ascetic, in order to refrain from sins he decided to seclude himself. The people asked him, “Why don’t you come to the town?” He replied, “How can I come to the town where there are beautiful faces like that of fairies singing sweetly, and when there is excessive mud that even an elephant slips, meaning that a human being cannot abstain from sin in such an environment.”

Note:- This obviously doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t go to the town to earn sustenance for his family rather it means that one shouldn’t go to the town without a genuine need, in fact consider seclusion as a bounty. However, if a person has to go for some necessary work, then on termination of his work he should return home and remain in the companionship of the pious or study the books of the friends of Allah, engage in Tilaawat, Zikr and Nawaafil. By doing so, the evil effects that the environment had on a person will be wiped away. Also, whilst engaged in worldly activities one’s tongue should remain moist with the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala. This will be the means of excessive Noor (light.)    



  • Dunya Ki Haqeeqat