A Woman's Reward

1.   A pregnant woman’s two rakaats nafl salaat is better than a non-pregnant woman’s eighty rakaats of nafl salaat

2.   A woman who breastfeeds her baby, receives one good deed for every drop of milk

3.   When a woman’s husband comes home distressed and she welcomes him, she receives the reward of half a Jihad

4.   When a woman wakes up for her baby, she receives the reward of freeing twenty slaves

5.   When a husband and wife look at each other with mercy, then Allah looks at them with mercy

6.   When a woman sends her husband in the path of Allah and remains chaste, she will be waiting for him in  janaat five hundred years before him. She will be the queen of seventy two hoors of janaat. She will be bathed in janaat and will be placed on a horse decorated with emeralds waiting for her husband

7.   When a woman takes care of an ill child, then Allah forgives all her minor sins and rewards her with twelve years of accepted  ibadaat

8.   When a woman milks a cow whilst reciting Bismillah, she receives the duaa of the animal

9.   When a woman kneads her dough with Bismillah, she receives barkaat in her sustenance

10.       When a woman sweeps with zikr, she receives the reward of  sweeping Baitullah

11.       When a woman is punctual on salaat and roza, stays pure and chaste, she will be given the choice to enter jannah through any of its eight doors, just like Abu Bakr Radiallahu Anhu

12.       A pregnant woman’s night is like a whole nights ibadaat

13.       A pregnant woman’s day is like a whole day of roza (fasting)

14.       A woman during labour, whatever pain she experiences in every vein, she receives the reward of one hajj sawaab and when the baby is born, she receives the reward of seventy years of namaaz and roza

15.       When a woman’s child passes away, the person who goes to console her will receive the green clothes of janaat

16.       When a woman passes away during labour, she receives the reward of a martyr

17.       When a woman weans her baby, the angels pat her on the back and say “janaat is wajib upon you”

18.       When a baby cries and the mother feeds it without cursing, she receives the reward of one year namaaz and roza