The Virtues and Blessings of Durood Shareef and Salaam

After Allah Ta'ala, the greatest benefactor in the universe upon a Mu'min is Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Rasulullah's Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam's favours upon us far outweigh the favours of anyone else. The demand of these favours is that, amongst others, in showing the greatest love and belief, whenever his mubarak name is taken, then Durood Sharif should be recited upon him. In reality, Durood Sharif is a great, lofty and honourable Dua in the presence of Allah Ta'ala which is made for Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam in order to show ones Imaan link with him. This is such a Dua which is definitely accepted. There is no scope whatsoever for rejection of it.

Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Whoever recites Durood Sharif upon me once, Allah Ta'ala sends ten mercies upon him (Mishkaat 86). This Hadith indicates the reward and recompense for Durood Sharif that one who recites Durood Sharif once, Allah Ta'ala sends ten mercies upon him. The benefit of reciting and sending Durood Sharif upon Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam accrues to the reciter. Therefore, a person should give due importance to reciting Durood Sharif.

The special virtues of Durood Sharif and the benefits in this world and the A'khirah:

1.   A person synchronizes with Allah Ta'ala in that Allah Ta'ala also sends Durood Sharif.

2.   It is a means of attaining the mercy and Dua of the Angels.

3.   It is a means of attaining the Dua and mercy of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

4.   Recital of a hundred Durood Sharif is a means of freedom from Jahannam and hypocrisy.

5.   A hundred Durood Sharif causes a hundred needs to be fulfilled.

6.   It causes the forgiveness of sins.

7.   It purifies deeds.

8.   A person's deeds will be weighed in a large scale.

9.   A person will enter Jannah together with Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

10.       A single Durood Sharif draws seventy mercies from the Angels.

11.       It causes one to secure the intercession of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

12.       It is a means of salvation from fear of Qiyamah.

 Occasions on which to recite Durood Sharif:

This refers to the conditions and places in which it is proven to recite Durood Sharif, as well as those places and conditions that carry reward and virtue and will serve as a means of blessings and benefits in this world and in the A'khirah.

It is sufficient to recite Durood Sharif at these times and places, whether it be short or lengthy.

1.   After completing Wudhu.

2.   After performing Tayammum.

3.   After taking a Ghusl.

4.   In Salaah (the final sitting).

5.   When writing a bequest.

6.   At the time of the Nikah Khutbah.

7.   At the start of the day, i.e. in the morning.

8.   At the end of the day, i.e. in the evening.

9.   At the time of sleeping.

10.       When travelling.

A few rulings regarding Durood Sharif Sharif:

1.   It is obligatory upon every Muslim to recite Durood Sharif at least once in his lifetime.

2.   It is Sunnah Mu'akkadah to recite Durood Sharif after Tashahhud in the final sitting of Salaah.

3.   It is compulsory to recite Durood Sharif when the name of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is taken in a gathering.

4.   If the name of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is mentioned several times in a gathering, then although it is compulsory to recite Durood Sharif after the first time, however, it will be Mustahab and extremely meritorious to recite Durood Sharif after the other times. In fact, according to Imaam Tahawee, it is compulsory at every time.

5.   It is prohibited to join words to the forms of Salaah and Salaam narrated in the Ahadith. (Nuzulul Abrar p.129)