Sunnats upon entering and leaving the toilet

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث 

O Allah! I seek Your protection from the male and female Jinns (Bukhari)

Mullah Ali Qari R.A has written in Mirqaat that with the blessings of the recitation of this Dua, a veil is cast between the person visiting the toilet and the evil Jinns. Hence, they are unable to see one's private parts.He has also written that the "Baa" on the word  الخبث can be read with a Dhamma (Pesh) or a Saakin (Jazm).


Before entering the toilet, remove any ring etc. upon which any verses of the Quraan or the name of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is visible.

When entering the toilet, enter with the left foot. When removing the undergarment, it is better to lower oneself towards the ground as much as easily possible and thereafter remove the garment. It was the practise of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam to relieve himself with his head covered and with his shoes on.

When relieving oneself, do not face the Qiblah nor turn the back towards it.(Mishkaat, Tirmidhi, Ibne Majah)

When relieving oneself, do not speak except out of absolute necessity. Also, do not engage in any Zikr whilst in the toilet. (Mishkaat / Abu Dawood pg.3)

Be extremely careful and ensure that droplets of urine do not splash upon one as most of the

Do not touch the private parts with the right hand during Istinjaa. Use the left hand for this purpose (Bukhari/ Abu Dawood)

Where a toilet is not available, relieve oneself behind some barrier so that one is not exposed to others.  

Search for soft ground (when relieving oneself in the open) so that the urine does not splash but is rather absorbed into the ground.


  • Beautiful Sunnats