Special Advice's For The Guests of Allah Ta’ala and Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam - When Visiting Baytullah and The Rasool of Allah Ta’ala (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

Special Advices of Aarifbillah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammed Akhtar Saheb Rahmatullah Alaih

When entering Madinah Sharif recite the Sunnat Dua, one can also recite this poetry of Hazrat Shah Hakeem Muhammed Akhtar Saheb Rahmatullah Alaih.

کہاں یہ میری قسمت یہ حاضری مدینہ میں ۔ میں جاگتا  ہوں یا رب یا خواب دیکھتا  ہوں؟

Kahaa yeh meri qismat yeh Haazri Madinah mer, mer jaagtahu Ya Rabb Ya Khwaab dekta hoo?

 “Where this destiny of mine, that I am present in Madinah, am I awake or am I dreaming?”

One should read Durood Sharif in abundance at the Rowdah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. When one’s gaze falls upon Rowdah-e-Mubarak, then one should look at it with utmost love and respect. Thereafter, recite this poem,

ڈھو نڈتي تھی گنبد خضرا کو ،   ديکھ وہ ہے  ،اے نگاہ ے قرار ہوشيار ،  اے جان مضطر ہوشيار  ،آگيا شاہ مدينہ کا ديار

“You were looking for the Green Dome. Look! There it is, O’ you restless eyes! Be alert!

 O’ you intelligent one! Be alert! The city of the king of Madinah is in front of us.”


Remind yourself, that you are standing at a place which is more virtuous than the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala. Ulama have stated,

“The piece of ground that is touching the blessed body of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is more virtuous than the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala.”

Again, one should recite the following couplet

کہاں یہ میری قسمت یہ حاضری مدینہ میں ۔ میں جاگتا  ہوں یا رب یا خواب دیکھتا  ہوں؟

Kahaa yeh meri qismat yeh Haazri Madinah mer, mer jaagtahu Ya Rabb Ya Khwaab dekta hoo?

 “Where this destiny of mine, that I am present in Madinah, am I awake or am I dreaming?”


This is no ordinary place, therefore utmost respect should be displayed for the city of Madinah. Also, express gratitude to Allah Ta’ala for affording you with this golden opportunity of visiting Madinah Sharif.

Recite Salaat and Salaam with utmost respect in a moderate tone as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is alive in his grave and in fact will reply to your greeting. After reciting Salaat and Salaam recite the following verse,

وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ إِذ ظَّلَمُواْ أَنفُسَهُمْ جَآؤُوكَ فَاسْتَغْفَرُواْ اللّهَ وَاسْتَغْفَرَ لَهُمُ الرَّسُولُ لَوَجَدُواْ اللّهَ تَوَّابًا رَّحِيمًا

If only it were that when they oppress (wrong) their souls, they should come to you (O Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) seeking Allaah’s forgiveness and then the Rasool (Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) seeks forgiveness on their behalf, they will then surely find that Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful (Surah Nisaa verse no. 64)

We should then say the following,

“O’ Allah I carried out two things which were within my capability, the first is that I have come this far, and secondly I am asking You for Forgiveness. O’ Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam I beg you to intercede on my behalf, so please seek forgiveness before Allah Ta’ala on my behalf.”

“O’ Allah You Are Kareem (Kind & Compassionate) and my Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is also Kareem (kind and compassionate). O Allah! millions of thanks that I am between two Kareems.”

The Durood Sharif that we recite comprises of the name of Allah Ta’ala and      Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, thus the reciter of Durood Sharif is between two Kareems. A ship between two Kareems will never sink!

Also, say the following to Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as he is able to hear us,

 “O’ Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, O’ mercy for the whole universe. I am a sinful Ummati, I appeal to you because you are kind and compassionate. Please spread your hands to Allah Ta’ala on my behalf and ask forgiveness for me.”

Thereafter engage in a lengthy Dua without lifting one’s hands. The hands should be left at one’s sides. To lift the hands as in Dua (after Salaah) is not permissible at a graveside as it is possible that the onlookers may fall into a misconception, that the one engaged in supplication is asking the inmate of the grave and not Allah Ta’ala. If one intends lifting his/her hands for Dua then face towards the Qibla.


My Sheikh Hadrat Maulana Shah Abrar-ul-Haq Saheb Rahmatullah Alaih used to engage in abundance in Dua at the Rowdah-e-Mubarak. Due to huge crowds Hadrat Rahmatullah Alaih would be jostled around, yet he would enjoy it and say,

“Where will one get so much jostling and pushing around whilst at the same time attain salvation!”

Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam are also witnessing that their beloved is being pushed around, and it is then that the mercy of Allah Ta’ala descends upon him. There is an abundance of mercy raining upon Rowdah-e-Mubarak, so make lots of Duas and beg of Allah Ta’ala in abundance.

Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullah Alaih said,

“Whenever I experienced any difficulties, I would go to the grave of my Ustaad Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Alaih, but I never beseeched the occupant of the grave rather I asked of Allah Ta’ala in the following words, “O’ Allah, accept my Duas through the blessings of my Ustaad that is resting here.”

Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullah Alaih said,

“My Duas were never rejected.”

Therefore, ask in abundance at Rowdah-e-Mubarak.

One should beg of Allah Ta’ala to accept his/her Duas through the blessings of Sayyidul Ambiyah Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Make Dua for one’s parents, siblings, relatives, the people of your locality, all those that attend the Masajid, Khanqahs, those that are out in the path of AllahTa’ala, and for all the Muslims of the world.

Make Dua for the Kuffar that Allah Ta’ala blesses them with Imaan, make Dua for the people of Imaan that Allah Ta’ala blesses them with Taqwa. make Dua for people who are involved in all sorts of calamities that Allah Ta’ala grants them well- being, make Dua for those who are ill, that Allah Ta’ala grants them good health. Make Dua for those that are ignorant, that Allah Ta’ala grants them knowledge and finally ask Allah Ta’ala to have mercy on the fish in the oceans, the birds in the skies, the animals in the jungles and the ants in the ant holes.

Whosoever supplicates in this way will be blessed with the rank of the Abdaal and one’s personal Duas will be accepted.


If the Dua of Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullah Alaih was never rejected at the grave of his Ustaad Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Alaih, do you think that Duas will be rejected at the grave of the one upon whom Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Alaih brought Imaan on and in fact became a slave to?

So make as many Duas as possible. Say,

“O’ Allah accept all my supplications by the medium of Sayyidul Ambiyah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.”

اللهم اغفرلي و اغفر لامة محمد صلي الله عليه و سلم

O’ Allah forgive me and the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

اللهم اهدني و اهد أمة محمد صلي الله علي و سلم

O’ Allah give me Hidayat and give Hidayat to the Ummat of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

اللهم عافني و عاف أمة محمد صلي الله عليه و سلم

O’ Allah keep me and the whole Ummat of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam with prosperity.

Recite plenty of Durood Sharif at the Rowdah-e-Mubarak and in Masjid-e-Nabawi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Respect the people of Madinah Sharif. If they inconvenience you by pushing you around or in any other way, then do not even say “Oof” to them. Endure all this in silence because they are the people of the “Royal Court” and you are their guest. They should honour their guest and you should honour them because they are the neighbours of the king of Madinah. If you are inconvenienced by them in any way, keep silent and do not retaliate.

Hadrat Hakeemul Ummat, Maulana Thanwi Rahmatullah Alaih has written that a person once stated,

“The yoghurt of Madinah Sharif is sour whereas the yoghurt of our country is sweet.”

The very night, he saw Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in a dream who said,

“Depart from Madinah Sharif immediately and return home. If you like the yoghurt of your city and dislike the yoghurt of my city, then why did you come here?”

This person regretted and in fact cried over his error but it was to no avail. Disrespect is extremely harmful; one should therefore not utter anything disrespectful about Madinah Sharif and the inhabitants of Madinah Sharif. Look at everything with honour and love, but even better lower your gaze and focus on your Ibaadat.

On witnessing the Ka’aba Sharif, think that the gaze of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had fallen on the Ka’aba Sharif as well; I am looking at the same things that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam witnessed, “Subhanallah.” How much shouldn’t I thank Allah Ta’ala that my gaze is indirectly meeting the gaze of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

Again, recite the following couplet;

کہاں یہ میری قسمت یہ طواف تیرا گھر کا ۔ میں جاگتا  ہوں یا رب یا خواب دیکھتا  ہوں؟

Kahaa yeh meri qismat yeh Tawaaf tera ghar ka, mer jaagtahu Ya Rabb Ya Khwaab dekta hoo?

“Where this destiny of mine, that I am making Tawaaf of  Your house, am I awake or am I dreaming?”

When you are at the Multazam, think that my bosom is touching the very same place that the Mubarak bosom of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had touched. On seeing the moon of Makkah Sharif and Madinah Sharif, think that at these places Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would observe the very same moon with his Mubarak eyes. When making Tawaaf, think that this is the very place where Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, all the Ambiya Alaihis Salaam and all the pious servants of Allah Ta’ala walked.

Also think, that directly above the Ka’aba Sharif, above the 7th heaven is the Baitul Ma’moor which seventy thousand Malaaikah make Tawaaf of daily. Those angels that were blessed with the opportunity of making Tawaaf once will never have another opportunity again.  

One should engage in Dua whilst making Tawaaf and one may also recite this couplet.

کہاں یہ میری قسمت یہ طواف تیرا گھر کا ۔ میں جاگتا  ہوں یا رب یا خواب دیکھتا  ہوں؟

Kahaa yeh meri qismat yeh Tawaaf tera ghar ka, mer jaagtahu Ya Rabb Ya Khwaab dekta hoo?

 “Where this destiny of mine, that I am making Tawaaf of  Your house, am I awake or am I dreaming?”

The above couplets can be recited at the different (Mubarak) places one intends visiting, whether Madinah Sharif, Makkah Sharif, at the Rowdah-e-Mubarak, at the Multazam, Mina, Arafaat, Muzdalifa, etc.

Replace the underlined words Tawaaf of Your house with Madinah Sharif, Makkah Sharif, Rowdah-e-Mubarak, Multazam, Mina, Arafaat, Muzdalifa, etc. When reciting these couplets, do not only think of the places but think of the owner of these places, AllahTa’ala that He is before us. When entering the boundaries of the Haram Sharif say,

“O’ Allah, I am entering the boundary of the Haram, through its blessings make Haraam on me the fire of Jahanam.”

Keep some Dua kitaabs with you, as we humans tend to forget. Protecting oneself from ostentation is absolutely essential and necessary; as such a practice could result in all our deeds being destroyed. If one gets an opportunity to attach himself at the Multazam, then do so, and engage in Duas. Duas made at Multazam are never rejected.

Important Note: It is not advisable for the women to attach themselves to the Multazam due the large crowds and the number of onlookers.



  1. Protect one’s gazes in the Haramain Sharifain, as Muslims from around the world are present there, one should not look at Na Mahrams even from the corner of one’s eye. A person should make an intention not to look otherwise the Nafs will encourage one to cast lustful glances.
  2. Protect your heart, do not bring evil thoughts in it. Do not make your Nafs happy, by thinking of the opposite sex, nor thinking of past sins. Nothing is wrong when thoughts come on their own, but if you bring them and think further about them then this is bad.
  3. Save yourself physically as far as possible from Na-Mahrams. (One should be extra cautious during the days spent in Mina as generally people are very lax and jovial. These are Mubarak days and should be spent in Ibaadat and Duas.)
  4. Do not talk unnecessarily. Rather keep one’s self busy with Ibaadat, Tawaaf, Duas, Tilaawat, Zikr, Durood Sharif, etc. If one gets a bit tired then sit and gaze at Ka’aba Sharif, this is also Ibaadat.
  5. Do not engage in debates regarding Mas’alaas, etc.
  6. When making Tawaaf then one should not look directly at Ka’aba Sharif because when the King is addressing His people, it is disrespectful to stare at Him.
  7. If one’s gaze involuntarily falls on a Na-Mahram in Makkah Sharif and one gets inclined towards them, then think,

“This person is the guest of Allah Ta’ala and they are more honourable than my mother and father.”

And likewise if this should happen in Madinah Sharif, then think,

“This person is the guest of Allah Ta’ala and our beloved Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and they are more honourable than my mother and father.”

  1. If one is hurt or harmed by the people of the Haramain Sharifain, then do not complain about it, bear it with patience and think that they are the custodians of these places. If they will perform one Tawaaf and ask Allah Ta’ala for forgiveness, they will be forgiven. We are not equal to the dust under their feet.
  2. If any of the food, drinks or accommodation is not to one’s satisfaction in these Mubarak places then refrain from complaining about it, as we mentioned about the person who complained about the yogurt of Madinah Sharif. Therefore one should regard everything in the Haramain Sharifain with respect and honour and do not expose the faults of these places.
  3. One should serve others and do not expect to be served. One should be a cause of comfort to others and one should be honoured to serve others.
  4. When one’s gaze falls upon Ka’baa Sharif for the first time, then in the heart glorify Allah Ta’ala

زاد الله تكريما و تظعيما

“Allah increase its Honour and Greatness”

Thereafter make Dua by saying,

“O’Allah! I am not worthy of being here but You are Kareem, You will have mercy on this unworthy servant of Your’s too.”

One should think of the following couplet

کوئی تجھ سے کچھ کوئی کچھ مانگتا ہے ، الہی ميں تجھ سے ہوں یا رب طلب گار تيرا

Koee tujh se pooch koee pooch maangta he, Ilaahi me tujh se hoo Ya Rabb talabgaar teraa

“Some ask for certain things whilst others ask for other things, my desire is of Thee, Thyself.”

and ask Allah Ta’ala for AllahTa’ala.

  1. If you see a dream, then narrate it to your Sheikh or a well-wisher and one who has the understanding of Deen. Do not relate your dreams to just anybody.
  2. Whoever has been honoured with performing Haj and Umrah, should try their utmost to avoid even a breath to pass in the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala.

May Allah Ta’ala make it possible for all to act upon the above teachings and advices, Insha-Allah. Ameen.