Prophetic Kindness to Women

Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam greatly enhanced the respect and status of women and he took great care and concern in their affairs. Trivial acts of Ibaadat by women have been equated to great acts of effort and exertion by men.  Allah Ta’ala  in His wisdom has created women physically weak and fragile. This was in order that the responsibility of supporting and providing for women be placed upon the shoulders of men. At the same time the men have been directed to be kind, considerate, indulging and forgiving towards them. He has been warned sternly from oppressing them in any way.  


BY: Sufi Iqbal Sahib

This is an extract from the  Kitaab which is meant to help and encourage our daughters in Islam, to bring Deen into their marriages, homes and the lives of the children.