Naye Jaamo Meena Ataa Ho Rahe He

نئے جام ومینا عطا ہو رہے ہیں  

We are being blessed with new goblets of wine of the love of Allah Ta’ala

One of the qualities of Allah Ta’ala is,

كل يوم هو فى شان

One meaning to this verse is that Allah Ta’ala is in a different splendour every moment, thus the person that is connected to Allah Ta’ala is also in a different splendour all the time. During the month of Ramadaan and particularly during the last ten nights of Ramadaan, people throughout the world engage in various forms of Ibaadah. It is Salaah at times, Dua, Zikr, etc. This is like deriving new enjoyment all the time. However, this enjoyment is only derived when a person is connected to Allah Ta’ala.

We come to the Khanqah to acquire this connection with Allah Ta’ala. When a connection with Allah Ta’ala is acquired then a person does not experience any boredom in life, nor any form of depression or despondency; it is just enjoyment and pleasure. On the other hand, when a person disobeys Allah Ta’ala, he receives a wakeup call in the form of some difficulty, this wakeup call cannot really be considered as a punishment as we are unable to bear the slightest punishment. When a person experiences this difficulty and hardship, realises his error and repents, then Allah Ta’ala changes this difficulty into mercy and grants the person happiness in his present condition, even though outwardly it seems that a person is experiencing great difficulty.

This can be understood from the following example; a person has been found guilty of a crime and is sentenced. He makes an appeal to the state president or prime minister for clemency which is granted. The maximum that he will benefit from the clemency is that he will be set free. We’ve heard of prisoners being freed due to the president’s birthday or due to some special occasion being celebrated in the country, but never did we hear that filling stations or farms are being gifted to the freed prisoners. On the other hand, when Allah Ta’ala forgives, not only does He forgive but also credits the accounts of His servant with good deeds. Actually, one was supposed to be punished due to his evil deeds but when he admitted to the wrong and repented, Allah Ta’ala in return converted his evil into good deeds through his mercy.




جو ہر دم خدا پر فدا ہو رہے ہیں                       وہ فانی بتوں سے جدا ہو رہے ہیں

A person that gives his life to Allah every second, such a person is being separated from temporary idols

It is only logical that a person sacrifices himself for Allah Ta’ala every second. We possess absolutely nothing, our eyes are a bounty from Allah Ta’ala which are not within our control, if Allah Ta’ala desires that the eyes stop functioning then the eyes will become non functional, or the eyes can become defective in the sense that a person’s vision becomes blurred, or sees an object double its size, or starts to see colours incorrectly.

Our hearts are not in our control, nor are our hearts in the control of the cardiologists. This applies to every part of the body. Our brains are not in our control, nor in the control of any neurologists. Everything is totally in the hands of Allah Ta’ala, therefore wise is the person that realises the authority of Allah Ta’ala and the creative power of Allah, who is referred to as ‘Khallaaq-e-Azeem’ – a Great Creator.

In the drop of semen from which man is created, Allah Ta’ala has placed the material of the brain, heart, eye, which is of a fine and delicate material, and in order to protect the brain there is a hard solid scalp which is also created from the same drop of semen, to protect the various organs we have the rib cage which is also created from the same drop of semen, and everything has been placed in its appropriate position. From one drop of semen we have some parts of the body that are created fine and delicate whilst other parts are hard and solid. How amazing isn’t the power of Allah Ta’ala! 

When a person realises the greatness of Allah Ta’ala and subsequently has Allah Ta’ala before him, he will accept and reach the realisation that nothing happens without the command of Allah Ta’ala.

Once Moosa Alaihis Salaam experienced a headache and thus supplicated to Allah Ta’ala to cure him, he was instructed to eat of the leaves of a particular tree, which he had done and was cured. The next time he experienced a headache, he ate the very same leaves but was not cured, so he supplicated to Allah Ta’ala again. Allah Ta’ala informed him that the leaves of the tree cannot cure, rather it has the ability of curing on My command. The leaves were only the means to cure. Sometimes means are used whilst at other times Allah cures without the usage of means.                      

Allah Ta’ala created Adam Alaihis Salaam without a father and mother, whilst Essa Alaihis Salaam was created without a father. Allah Ta’ala blesses some with male offspring, others with female offspring, whilst some do not have any children in spite of conducting various tests, visiting Aamils, etc. When a person realises the greatness of Allah Ta’ala and the great bounties of Allah Ta’ala that he enjoys every split second of his life, then such a person cannot help but give his life to Allah Ta’ala. 

N.B. It is correct to utilise means such as medication, visiting the doctor, etc. but we should never place our trust in the means – Allah alone is the doer. Using means is Sunnat but placing one’s trust in means is Shirk. In short, a person that acknowledges that Allah alone is the doer never places his trust in the means.

وہ خمر کہن تو قوی تر ہے لیکن                            نئے جام ومینا عطا ہو رہے ہیں

It is an accepted rule (in regards to those that drink liquor), the older the wine the more enjoyable it is, new jugs and goblets (new enjoyments) are given all the time 

A person is sometimes shocked as to what new things Allah Ta’ala puts into his heart. Sometimes whilst a person is in Salaah, or whilst lying down, or just being involved in some work, what strange and new things Allah Ta’ala puts in the heart. This condition is for those people who hand themselves over to Allah Ta’ala.

کبھی قلب دےکر کبھی جان دے کر                       رہ ِ    عِشق میں باوفا     ہورہے ہیں

(How do you surrender yourself to Allah?) Sometimes by giving your heart, sometimes by giving your life, in this path of love, he is becoming loyal.

There are many things that a person desires to do and wants to enjoy but it is against the command of Allah Ta’ala, so a person breaks his heart, uses a sword and cuts the heart into pieces, some even sacrifice their lives.

رہ ِ    عِشق میں باوفا  ہو  ہورہے ہیں

in this path of love, one is becoming loyal.

We all desire to reach Allah Ta’ala and acquire His pleasure. If a person strives to reach Allah Ta’ala, then Allah Ta’ala appreciates such an effort, in fact not only does Allah Ta’ala appreciate but rewards a person as well. The more a person surrenders to the obedience of Allah Ta’ala, the more closer one gets to Allah Ta’ala. How merciful isn’t Allah!

Let us understand the mercy of Allah Ta’ala from the following incident, a particular person undertook a journey for Haj. He intended to perform his five daily Salaah in the Haram with Jamaat. On reaching Makkah Sharif, he was overtaken with such fever that he was unable to even move out of his room which caused him to become depressed. The person informed Haji Imdaadullah Muhajir Makki Rahmatullah Alaih of this condition. He said, “Allah Ta’ala granted you a kings Haj, that is, you are getting the full reward whilst sitting in the comfort of your room.”

A woman is required to perform her 5 daily Salaah at home, she attains the reward of Jamaat, Jumuah, Jihaad, etc. whilst remaining within the confines of her home. You planned to spend this Ramadaan in the best possible manner, making it the best Ramadaan of your life and you fell ill, or a close family member fell ill and as a result you had to attend to his needs, and as a result you cannot even get Jamaat Salaah, but now you will receive the full reward based on your intentions and even more. When a person is pleased with the decision of Allah Ta’ala, this condition is referred to as ‘Radha Bil Qa’dha’, we have to train ourselves to be pleased with the decision of Allah Ta’ala.

          خوشی اپنی ان کی خوشی پر  لٹا کر               ہم اب اہل صدق وصفا  ہو رہے ہیں

By sacrificing our pleasure for His pleasure, we are becoming amongst the truthful one’s and those whom Allah purifies

A simple example to understand this point is that the husband desires to be at his mother’s place on Eid day, and the wife desires to be at her mother’s house, but she says to the husband, “Your preference is my preference.” How happy will the husband become with his wife? In a like manner, we have our desires as well the commands of Allah Ta’ala, we should forgo our desires and fulfil the commands of Allah Ta’ala. If the husband is pleased, it is only for a short period of time, but then he starts shouting at the wife again.  

We all love our sleep yet how many people remain awake during the last ten nights of Ramadaan, similarly we all love our food, yet the entire Ummah keep fasts in the month of Ramadaan. This is giving preference to the command of Allah Ta’ala over our desires.

کبھی پی رہے ہیں لہو آرزو کا                          مٹا کر خودی با خدا ہو رہے ہیں

Sometimes we are drinking the blood of our desires, by annihilating oneself one is attaining Allah Ta’ala

A person really wanted to commit a sin but abstained for Allah’s sake, this is referred to as drinking the blood of our desires.  Today, our children want a new football, a new pair of shoes for Eid, etc. If the child comes forward and says, “I really want these things but I know that you are experiencing financial difficulty, therefore I prefer your ease and happiness over mine, they will so pleased.

تجھے ہوں مبارک یہ اشک ندامت                    نئے باب الفت کے واہو رہے ہیں

May you be blessed with the tears of regret, a new door of love is being opened up

We all err at some time or the other, but this shouldn’t reach the stage of despondency. We should make Dua, “Ya Allah! My Nafs is still overpowering me, I still desire to do things to please myself, I omit and cast evil glances at woman that I am not supposed to look at. When a person thinks of all this and sheds tears of regret, then he is blessed with a new door of mercy and kindness. If an employee tells the employer that he is unable to manage the work, perhaps the employer will become upset, yet Allah showers His kindness on a person that expresses his helplessness.

یہ شان کرم کرنا نا لایقوں پر                         کرم ان کے ہر دم عطا ہو رہے ہیں

These are the favours of Allah Ta’ala upon the unworthy, every moment He is showering His kindness

We are the most unworthy; we eat the best of food yet look at the end result of it. A single can of aroma is not sufficient, rather we require two cans of aroma to combat the stench when relieving ourselves, and what sounds don’t we hear in the restroom. What is the result of the wonderful Biryani that we eat! Unfortunately, very few even say Alhamdulillah whilst eating the Biryani. In winter, we enjoy hot soup, yet we never say Alhamdulillah.

If we had to purchase a brand new motor vehicle, the moment we drive it out of the showroom the value has decreased by so many percent. In a month’s time the value decreases even further, this is the reality of a human being. If man touches the best of items he will cause the value of it to drop. You married a beautiful woman and the marriage didn’t last, you didn’t even touch her and she was divorced, the value of that woman has now dropped. If you touched her, her value has dropped even further. This is the reality of man yet he regards himself to be someone great.

If you have a connection with Allah, then such a person enjoys the kindness of Allah Ta’ala every moment, but ensure that you are connected to Allah Ta’ala.  

          محبت کی اختر کرامت تو دیکھو               کہ سلطان ہوکر گدا ہو رہے ہیں

Look at the miracle of love O Akhtar, a person is a king but he is a mendicant (a simple ordinary person)

This refers to true love and not infatuation, not love with a hidden agenda; like in various countries people marry a woman in order to acquire citizenship. A friend had called from America to inform us that he has acquired his green card, his only dua and concern is now to acquire his citizenship and passport. In the process, he had to make contact with various women, in order to marry a woman nowadays; it is not so easy rather it is a procedure. A man is required to date the woman and indulge in so much of Haraam, he makes false promises to her and he is aware of the fact that he doesn’t love her, rather his intention is just to acquire his citizenship. If she has a doubt in you, then things break up and you start the procedure all over again with another woman. A person does not have to go through all this Haraam in order to acquire the green card of Jannat. A person doesn’t have to go through all this to acquire the love of Allah Ta’ala.

کہ سلطان ہوکر گدا ہو رہے ہیں

A person is a king but he is a mendicant (a simple ordinary person)

In the Haram of Makkah Sharif, everyone is making Tawaaf dressed in one type of clothing, their Ihraam, whether he is a king or just an ordinary person. Similarly, in Madinah Sharif all are offering Salawaat upon Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam at the Rowdah-e-Mubarak. In Salaah all are standing in a straight Saff whether rich or poor. When the love of Allah Ta’ala is in the heart then even a king is an ordinary person.

One poet says,    

لذت قرب چکھا کر اے خدا       پھر رنج دوری میں نہ کر مبتلا

After making us enjoy the enjoyment of Your closeness O Allah, then don’t get us involved in grief and be distanced from you

آپ کا قرب اور حضوری اے خدا             بہتر از سد سالہ طاعت بے ریاء

Your closeness and presence O Allah, is better than 100 years Ibaadat with sincerity

Unfortunately, this enjoyment of the closeness of Allah Ta’ala many of us don’t even acquire in our Salaah. This closeness is only enjoyed with the purity of the heart which is referred to as Taqwa. When the heart is purified, then Allah Ta’ala Himself enters the heart. That heart which Allah Ta’ala takes control of, all obstacles are removed from it. Allah Ta’ala does not tolerate any wrong taking place in His territory.

Jannat is the kingdom of Allah Ta’ala, there aren’t any crooks, highway robbers, fraudulent people  there, they are all sent elsewhere as there is only enjoyment and peace in His kingdom. May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with Jannat! Ameen!    




         نئے جام ومینا عطا ہو رہے ہیں  

We are being blessed with new goblets of wine of the love of Allah Ta’ala

One of the qualities of Allah Ta’ala is,

كل يوم هو فى شان

One meaning to this verse is that Allah Ta’ala is in a different splendour every moment, thus the person that is connected to Allah Ta’ala is also in a different splendour all the time. During the month of Ramadaan and particularly during the last ten nights of Ramadaan, people throughout the world engage in various forms of Ibaadah. It is Salaah at times, Dua, Zikr, etc. This is like deriving new enjoyment all the time. However, this enjoyment is only derived when a person is connected to Allah Ta’ala.

We come to the Khanqah to acquire this connection with Allah Ta’ala. When a connection with Allah Ta’ala is acquired then a person does not experience any boredom in life, nor any form of depression or despondency; it is just enjoyment and pleasure. On the other hand, when a person disobeys Allah Ta’ala, he receives a wakeup call in the form of some difficulty, this wakeup call cannot really be considered as a punishment as we are unable to bear the slightest punishment. When a person experiences this difficulty and hardship, realises his error and repents, then Allah Ta’ala changes this difficulty into mercy and grants the person happiness in his present condition, even though outwardly it seems that a person is experiencing great difficulty.

This can be understood from the following example; a person has been found guilty of a crime and is sentenced. He makes an appeal to the state president or prime minister for clemency which is granted. The maximum that he will benefit from the clemency is that he will be set free. We’ve heard of prisoners being freed due to the president’s birthday or due to some special occasion being celebrated in the country, but never did we hear that filling stations or farms are being gifted to the freed prisoners. On the other hand, when Allah Ta’ala forgives, not only does He forgive but also credits the accounts of His servant with good deeds. Actually, one was supposed to be punished due to his evil deeds but when he admitted to the wrong and repented, Allah Ta’ala in return converted his evil into good deeds through his mercy.




جو ہر دم خدا پر فدا ہو رہے ہیں                       وہ فانی بتوں سے جدا ہو رہے ہیں

A person that gives his life to Allah every second, such a person is being separated from temporary idols

It is only logical that a person sacrifices himself for Allah Ta’ala every second. We possess absolutely nothing, our eyes are a bounty from Allah Ta’ala which are not within our control, if Allah Ta’ala desires that the eyes stop functioning then the eyes will become non functional, or the eyes can become defective in the sense that a person’s vision becomes blurred, or sees an object double its size, or starts to see colours incorrectly.

Our hearts are not in our control, nor are our hearts in the control of the cardiologists. This applies to every part of the body. Our brains are not in our control, nor in the control of any neurologists. Everything is totally in the hands of Allah Ta’ala, therefore wise is the person that realises the authority of Allah Ta’ala and the creative power of Allah, who is referred to as ‘Khallaaq-e-Azeem’ – a Great Creator.

In the drop of semen from which man is created, Allah Ta’ala has placed the material of the brain, heart, eye, which is of a fine and delicate material, and in order to protect the brain there is a hard solid scalp which is also created from the same drop of semen, to protect the various organs we have the rib cage which is also created from the same drop of semen, and everything has been placed in its appropriate position. From one drop of semen we have some parts of the body that are created fine and delicate whilst other parts are hard and solid. How amazing isn’t the power of Allah Ta’ala! 

When a person realises the greatness of Allah Ta’ala and subsequently has Allah Ta’ala before him, he will accept and reach the realisation that nothing happens without the command of Allah Ta’ala.

Once Moosa Alaihis Salaam experienced a headache and thus supplicated to Allah Ta’ala to cure him, he was instructed to eat of the leaves of a particular tree, which he had done and was cured. The next time he experienced a headache, he ate the very same leaves but was not cured, so he supplicated to Allah Ta’ala again. Allah Ta’ala informed him that the leaves of the tree cannot cure, rather it has the ability of curing on My command. The leaves were only the means to cure. Sometimes means are used whilst at other times Allah cures without the usage of means.                      

Allah Ta’ala created Adam Alaihis Salaam without a father and mother, whilst Essa Alaihis Salaam was created without a father. Allah Ta’ala blesses some with male offspring, others with female offspring, whilst some do not have any children in spite of conducting various tests, visiting Aamils, etc. When a person realises the greatness of Allah Ta’ala and the great bounties of Allah Ta’ala that he enjoys every split second of his life, then such a person cannot help but give his life to Allah Ta’ala. 

N.B. It is correct to utilise means such as medication, visiting the doctor, etc. but we should never place our trust in the means – Allah alone is the doer. Using means is Sunnat but placing one’s trust in means is Shirk. In short, a person that acknowledges that Allah alone is the doer never places his trust in the means.

وہ خمر کہن تو قوی تر ہے لیکن                            نئے جام ومینا عطا ہو رہے ہیں

It is an accepted rule (in regards to those that drink liquor), the older the wine the more enjoyable it is, new jugs and goblets (new enjoyments) are given all the time 

A person is sometimes shocked as to what new things Allah Ta’ala puts into his heart. Sometimes whilst a person is in Salaah, or whilst lying down, or just being involved in some work, what strange and new things Allah Ta’ala puts in the heart. This condition is for those people who hand themselves over to Allah Ta’ala.

کبھی قلب دےکر کبھی جان دے کر                       رہ ِ    عِشق میں باوفا     ہورہے ہیں

(How do you surrender yourself to Allah?) Sometimes by giving your heart, sometimes by giving your life, in this path of love, he is becoming loyal.

There are many things that a person desires to do and wants to enjoy but it is against the command of Allah Ta’ala, so a person breaks his heart, uses a sword and cuts the heart into pieces, some even sacrifice their lives.

رہ ِ    عِشق میں باوفا  ہو  ہورہے ہیں

in this path of love, one is becoming loyal.

We all desire to reach Allah Ta’ala and acquire His pleasure. If a person strives to reach Allah Ta’ala, then Allah Ta’ala appreciates such an effort, in fact not only does Allah Ta’ala appreciate but rewards a person as well. The more a person surrenders to the obedience of Allah Ta’ala, the more closer one gets to Allah Ta’ala. How merciful isn’t Allah!

Let us understand the mercy of Allah Ta’ala from the following incident, a particular person undertook a journey for Haj. He intended to perform his five daily Salaah in the Haram with Jamaat. On reaching Makkah Sharif, he was overtaken with such fever that he was unable to even move out of his room which caused him to become depressed. The person informed Haji Imdaadullah Muhajir Makki Rahmatullah Alaih of this condition. He said, “Allah Ta’ala granted you a kings Haj, that is, you are getting the full reward whilst sitting in the comfort of your room.”

A woman is required to perform her 5 daily Salaah at home, she attains the reward of Jamaat, Jumuah, Jihaad, etc. whilst remaining within the confines of her home. You planned to spend this Ramadaan in the best possible manner, making it the best Ramadaan of your life and you fell ill, or a close family member fell ill and as a result you had to attend to his needs, and as a result you cannot even get Jamaat Salaah, but now you will receive the full reward based on your intentions and even more. When a person is pleased with the decision of Allah Ta’ala, this condition is referred to as ‘Radha Bil Qa’dha’, we have to train ourselves to be pleased with the decision of Allah Ta’ala.

          خوشی اپنی ان کی خوشی پر  لٹا کر               ہم اب اہل صدق وصفا  ہو رہے ہیں

By sacrificing our pleasure for His pleasure, we are becoming amongst the truthful one’s and those whom Allah purifies

A simple example to understand this point is that the husband desires to be at his mother’s place on Eid day, and the wife desires to be at her mother’s house, but she says to the husband, “Your preference is my preference.” How happy will the husband become with his wife? In a like manner, we have our desires as well the commands of Allah Ta’ala, we should forgo our desires and fulfil the commands of Allah Ta’ala. If the husband is pleased, it is only for a short period of time, but then he starts shouting at the wife again.  

We all love our sleep yet how many people remain awake during the last ten nights of Ramadaan, similarly we all love our food, yet the entire Ummah keep fasts in the month of Ramadaan. This is giving preference to the command of Allah Ta’ala over our desires.

کبھی پی رہے ہیں لہو آرزو کا                          مٹا کر خودی با خدا ہو رہے ہیں

Sometimes we are drinking the blood of our desires, by annihilating oneself one is attaining Allah Ta’ala

A person really wanted to commit a sin but abstained for Allah’s sake, this is referred to as drinking the blood of our desires.  Today, our children want a new football, a new pair of shoes for Eid, etc. If the child comes forward and says, “I really want these things but I know that you are experiencing financial difficulty, therefore I prefer your ease and happiness over mine, they will so pleased.

تجھے ہوں مبارک یہ اشک ندامت                    نئے باب الفت کے واہو رہے ہیں

May you be blessed with the tears of regret, a new door of love is being opened up

We all err at some time or the other, but this shouldn’t reach the stage of despondency. We should make Dua, “Ya Allah! My Nafs is still overpowering me, I still desire to do things to please myself, I omit and cast evil glances at woman that I am not supposed to look at. When a person thinks of all this and sheds tears of regret, then he is blessed with a new door of mercy and kindness. If an employee tells the employer that he is unable to manage the work, perhaps the employer will become upset, yet Allah showers His kindness on a person that expresses his helplessness.

یہ شان کرم کرنا نا لایقوں پر                         کرم ان کے ہر دم عطا ہو رہے ہیں

These are the favours of Allah Ta’ala upon the unworthy, every moment He is showering His kindness

We are the most unworthy; we eat the best of food yet look at the end result of it. A single can of aroma is not sufficient, rather we require two cans of aroma to combat the stench when relieving ourselves, and what sounds don’t we hear in the restroom. What is the result of the wonderful Biryani that we eat! Unfortunately, very few even say Alhamdulillah whilst eating the Biryani. In winter, we enjoy hot soup, yet we never say Alhamdulillah.

If we had to purchase a brand new motor vehicle, the moment we drive it out of the showroom the value has decreased by so many percent. In a month’s time the value decreases even further, this is the reality of a human being. If man touches the best of items he will cause the value of it to drop. You married a beautiful woman and the marriage didn’t last, you didn’t even touch her and she was divorced, the value of that woman has now dropped. If you touched her, her value has dropped even further. This is the reality of man yet he regards himself to be someone great.

If you have a connection with Allah, then such a person enjoys the kindness of Allah Ta’ala every moment, but ensure that you are connected to Allah Ta’ala.  

          محبت کی اختر کرامت تو دیکھو               کہ سلطان ہوکر گدا ہو رہے ہیں

Look at the miracle of love O Akhtar, a person is a king but he is a mendicant (a simple ordinary person)

This refers to true love and not infatuation, not love with a hidden agenda; like in various countries people marry a woman in order to acquire citizenship. A friend had called from America to inform us that he has acquired his green card, his only dua and concern is now to acquire his citizenship and passport. In the process, he had to make contact with various women, in order to marry a woman nowadays; it is not so easy rather it is a procedure. A man is required to date the woman and indulge in so much of Haraam, he makes false promises to her and he is aware of the fact that he doesn’t love her, rather his intention is just to acquire his citizenship. If she has a doubt in you, then things break up and you start the procedure all over again with another woman. A person does not have to go through all this Haraam in order to acquire the green card of Jannat. A person doesn’t have to go through all this to acquire the love of Allah Ta’ala.

کہ سلطان ہوکر گدا ہو رہے ہیں

A person is a king but he is a mendicant (a simple ordinary person)

In the Haram of Makkah Sharif, everyone is making Tawaaf dressed in one type of clothing, their Ihraam, whether he is a king or just an ordinary person. Similarly, in Madinah Sharif all are offering Salawaat upon Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam at the Rowdah-e-Mubarak. In Salaah all are standing in a straight Saff whether rich or poor. When the love of Allah Ta’ala is in the heart then even a king is an ordinary person.

One poet says,    

لذت قرب چکھا کر اے خدا       پھر رنج دوری میں نہ کر مبتلا

After making us enjoy the enjoyment of Your closeness O Allah, then don’t get us involved in grief and be distanced from you

آپ کا قرب اور حضوری اے خدا             بہتر از سد سالہ طاعت بے ریاء

Your closeness and presence O Allah, is better than 100 years Ibaadat with sincerity

Unfortunately, this enjoyment of the closeness of Allah Ta’ala many of us don’t even acquire in our Salaah. This closeness is only enjoyed with the purity of the heart which is referred to as Taqwa. When the heart is purified, then Allah Ta’ala Himself enters the heart. That heart which Allah Ta’ala takes control of, all obstacles are removed from it. Allah Ta’ala does not tolerate any wrong taking place in His territory.

Jannat is the kingdom of Allah Ta’ala, there aren’t any crooks, highway robbers, fraudulent people  there, they are all sent elsewhere as there is only enjoyment and peace in His kingdom. May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with Jannat! Ameen!