Muje Qurb Ka Aalem Diya He Aahe Sehra Ne

 مجھے تو قرب کا عالم دیا ہے آہِ صحرانے

Muje to qurb ka aalam diya he aahe sehra ne

The aah (cries) at the time of Sehri have given me the closeness of Allah Ta’ala.

سنا ہے خانقاہوں میں محبت کے ہیں مے خانے

We have heard that in the Khanqahs are the taverns of the love of Allah Ta’ala

The advices of the Sheikh in the Khanqah have been compared to the tavern. The barmen serve liquor to the lovers of wine which then intoxicates them, similarly the disciples visit the Sheikh who serves the wine of the love of Allah Ta’ala and intoxicates them with this love. The worldly liquor which is Haraam takes a person out of this world, in a like manner the love of Allah Ta’ala will take a person out of this world. Obviously, there is a world of difference between the two.

دیا کرتے ہے ساقی عاشقوں کو جام و پیمانے

The cup bearer gives the lovers of Allah Ta’ala jugs and goblets of wine of the love of Allah Ta’ala

Allah Ta’ala has blessed Hadrat R.A. and in particular the Thanvi Silsila that they immediately made a distinction between a person that is intoxicated with Haraam liquor and that which is the truth. Therefore Hadrat explains in the next stanza,

خلاف راہ سنت جو بنا کرتے ہیں مستانے

Those that have become drunk in the love of Allah Ta’ala but they are going against Sunnat

This refers more to those Shuyookh that do not follow Sunnat, they listen to Qawwali throughout the night but are sleeping at the time of Fajr. Some even smoke intoxicants yet they put up a false front showing that they are deeply in love with Allah Ta’ala. This could also refer to those people that are Deendar but their lives are void of Sunnat and Shariat. They wear weird colour clothing with long Jubbas, long turbans, big Tasbeehs in their hands yet they are shrewd. This is indicated in the next stanza,

وہ دیوانے بظاہر ہیں مگر اندر ہیں فرزانے

Outwardly, they seem to be lovers of Allah Ta’ala but internally they are shrewd

There are such Mashaaikh that are coming to our country as well. Some of them teach Amaliyyaat to the people, initially things seem to be okay but later Bid’aat creep in. Once two Sheikh’s had come from Jeddah who were of Pakistani origin. When Hadrat R.A. was informed that they are advertising in the newspaper that people should take Bay’at with them. Hadrat R.A. said, “Find out who they are linked to, do they have a reliable chain that links them to Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam?” If they don’t have anyone above them this is like a person without a father (illegitimate). On this Hadrat said,

لا تاخذه بابا من لا بابا له

The one that doesn’t have a father, don’t take him as a father

In simple terms, a man that is not spiritually linked to a reliable Sheikh and not linked to a reliable chain of Tasawwuf cannot become a Sheikh of Tasawwuf. These are false, shrewd people that have put up an outward show. Unfortunately, the public is very gullible. Every new thing is enjoyable.

A person together with his wife had joined an incorrect path of Tasawwuf but fortunately understood later that he is treading an incorrect path. The realisation always comes at a later stage. He quit from the incorrect path but his wife and family are still fully involved. This has now resulted in family issues. First, a person is involved in Bid’aat and later this leads to Shirkiyyaat such as prostrating before the graves, asking of the inmates of the grave, making Tawaaf of the graves, etc. Therefore, be careful of any new Sheikh that has just come about.

The path of Sulook is such that it takes a person to great heights. The general principle is, the higher you go, the harder you fall. If a man makes a mistake whilst pushing a wheel barrow, the harm is limited. On the other hand, if a pilot flying a plane happens to err, the consequence can be disastrous. If the sweeper in a company makes a mistake, it doesn’t really mean anything yet if the director makes a mistake it could cost the company millions.         

جو عارف ہیں وہ کس عالم میں  رہتے ہیں خدا جانے

بھلا جو غیر عارف ہے وہ ان کا رتبہ کیا جانے

Allah alone knows the world in which the Aarif lives, what does a non-Aarif know of the position of an Aarif

This refers to a true Aarif. A sign that indicates towards a true Aarif is that the Ulema and Awliya also acknowledge his Wilaayat (friendship and connection with Allah Ta’ala.) The true Aarif recognises Allah Ta’ala even in his eating, if a plate of mutton curry is before him, he thinks of every ingredient that was used in preparation of this meal, where did the mutton come from, where did the potatoes come from, where were the cooking utensils manufactured, who prepared the food, he appreciates the fact that he is healthy and able to eat the food without any difficulty, this consciousness of Allah Ta’ala will take him closer to Allah Ta’ala.

He also makes Dua, O Allah! Feed the hungry, clothe the poor that do not have clothing to cover their bodies, provide housing to those that are homeless, give jobs to those that are unemployed and grant cure to the ill. If he is driving a car, he is grateful for his conveyance as many people have to walk to work. The position and rank that the Aarif reaches, we are unable to reach even in our Tahajjud Salaah. The Tasbeeh-e-Fatimi of an Aarif is completely different to that of a non-Aarif.            

Outwardly, the Aarif is in some worldly activity but how close to Allah Ta’ala hasn’t he reached. On the other hand, there are people that are in the Masjid yet far from Allah Ta’ala. Some are even thinking of Haraam pornography whilst in Salaah. The recognition of Allah Ta’ala only comes from those that possess the recognition of Allah Ta’ala, that is by remaining and staying with them for a considerable amount of time and have the desire to acquire the recognition of Allah Ta’ala. For example, there is a gardener that works at the Darul Uloom but he doesn’t have the intention of becoming an Alim. The students study for just a few years and graduate. The gardener may be here for the past 20 years but hasn’t gained anything. Similarly, a person may be employed at a medical college but doesn’t graduate as a doctor as he doesn’t have the intention of becoming a doctor. Similarly, one should have the intention of acquiring the recognition of Allah Ta’ala whilst remaining in the company of the Sheikh. Many attend the Khanqah to indicate their presence whilst others come and express their sincere love for the Sheikh but they aren’t taking what needs to be taken even after years. Another person comes with the correct intention and takes what is actually required in a single Majlis.

The Buzurgs have stated that there are only two steps to enter Jannat, the first step in to trample the Nafs and the other is in Jannat. When the Nafs is trampled, his Islaah is made. Once he has acquired the Ma’rifat of Allah Ta’ala, he is in Jannat in this world. A person’s Jannat will be in accordance to the Ma’rifat of Allah Ta’ala that he possesses. A person heard of Hadrat Sheikh R.A., how happy isn’t he when he meets Hadrat. If you don’t know him and then meet him, there isn’t any real interest as you don’t know the man. Those that know Allah already in the world, can we imagine what enjoyment will be experienced when meeting Allah Ta’ala.                    

A non-Aarif doesn’t know the position of an Aarif. A five or six year old child plays around with marbles. They do not know what runs through the minds of those boys that have reached the age of seventeen or eighteen as they haven’t reached the age of maturity. They gain pleasure in flying their kites. Similarly, a person that is not Baaligh in the love of Allah, what does he know of the love of Allah!

حسینوں کے اْجڑ جاِئیں گے جب جغرافیے اِک دن

بتا ناداں کہاں جائے گا اپنے دل کو بہلانے

When the geography (appearance and shape) of the beautiful women will change one day, O ignorant person, where will you go to satisfy your heart now?

Whilst at high school there were those girls that were studying with you. They were in your league, and have now grown old. Her shape is also lost, where are you thinking of them now, fantasising of how they looked in high school days. Many of them are now thrice their build, and teeth have also fallen off. On the other hand, you are also quite old now, you may be interested in a young girl but she will address you as Dada and Nana. It is a no win situation, both ways whether you look in your league or younger women. Aah, but the one that has established a connection with Allah Ta’ala, such a person will be in perpetual enjoyment.

The beauty of Allah Ta’ala is infinite, He is in a different splendour every moment. We should make Dua, O Allah, grant us that pleasure of Yours as a result of which You will never be displeased with us again.

جو یاد آتی ہے ان کی دل میں گھبراتا ہوں گلشن میں

When I think of Allah, I am uneasy even though I am in a beautiful garden

Once Hadrat R.A. was with his Sheikh, Hadrat Shah Abdul Ghani Saheb Phoolpuri R.A. They were invited by a Nawaab Saheb who had a beautiful mansion with a beautiful garden, a stunning range of flowers, etc. The Nawaab Saheb was told, “All this is nothing if you do not have Allah Ta’ala.” If we have things of this world plus Allah then it is enjoyable, minus Allah it is worth nothing. A man has a beautiful wife plus Allah then his life in this world is Jannat. If Allah is not there, the fights in the house are never ending.

مجھے تو قرب کا عالم دیا ہے آہِ صحرانے

The crying and pleading to Allah at the time of Sehri has given me the world of the closeness to Allah Ta’ala

In other words, any person that is truly desirous of the love of Allah Ta’ala should beg of it from Allah Ta’ala.

جو زاہد عِشق سے نا آشنا ہے پھر بھی وہ ناداں

A Zaahid that is void of the love of Allah Ta’ala is ignorant

Zaahid is a person that leads a dry life sufficing on the bare necessities, enjoys no luxuries whatsoever. This is similar to an Alim that is not an Allah Wala, he knows the rulings of Shariah but he doesn’t know the Mizaaj of Allah Ta’ala. It is like that Alim that gave a ruling of eternal doom for the person that murdered 99 people. This was a ruling according to the book. The other Alim that was Alim-e-Rabbani told him, “Simply repent as Allah is Most Forgiving.” He knew the rulings of the book as well as Allah Ta’ala.

Leaving 99 murders, a man that lived 999 years on Kufr as a Jahannami, by a single recitation of Kalimah he becomes a Jannati, he was hated by Allah Ta’ala and now becomes beloved to Allah Ta’ala. He was destined to the fire but now becomes Nuri (one filled with light).

نہیں سمجھا ہے خود لیکن چلا ہے مجھ  کو سمجھانے

He hasn’t understood (the temperament of Allah Ta’ala) yet he is coming to explain to me

کسی کی آہ مظلومی سے وقت ظلم ڈرنا تھا

Always fear the cry of the oppressed person when he is being oppressed

A person that oppressed his wife, he will be taken to task by Allah Ta’ala. A man that harmed a pedestrian or inconvenienced another on the road, such actions come along with its consequence. Be careful as to how one treats his employees.

ہوئے ہیں حسنانہ آبادِ ظالم جس سے ویرانے

Due to such oppression everything is lost.

A wealthy person once told his wife, “Tonight, you should dress up, prepare good food, etc.” She did as he requested. When they sat down to eat, a beggar came to the door and asked for some assistance. The wealthy person became upset and slapped him and the beggar left with a heavy heart. The wealthy person had many shops which he lost, one after the other until he was unable to even maintain his wife so he divorced her. She married some person and he requested her to dress up one evening, prepare a hearty meal. When they sat down to partake of meals, a beggar came to the door. He told his wife to take all the food and give it to the beggar. When she went to give him the food, she let out a loud scream and fell. He asked her, “What happened?” Initially, she tried to avoid the conversation but later told him of her night with her husband and how he treated a beggar. He said, “I was the beggar that was slapped.” Therefore, fear the cry of an oppressed person as everything can be lost overnight.

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saheb explained during the Madrasah Jalsa, Sheikh Yunus Saharanpuri was in Isipingo. He needed to see the optician, but then said, “It will take too much of time so rather leave it out.” Mufti Saheb then told him, “We know the optician personally and he will take you in immediately so it won’t really be time consuming.” He said, “When we go there, there will be others waiting in the queue that had come before us, we will cut the queue and go in.” These are the things that will deprive us of blessings in our lives.

ستایا  عمر بھر بو جہل نے شمع نبوت  کو

مگر بد نام ہیں دونوں جہاں میں اس کے افسانے

Abu Jahl has harmed Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam  throughout his life, he is blamed (disgraced) in both the worlds

His place of burial in Badr is where the public toilets are situated, all the sewerage is so to say poured on him. Those that trouble the men of Allah Ta’ala are completely wiped out to the extent that there isn’t any record of them. On the other hand, the world is prepared to sacrifice their lives for Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

کہاں تک ضبط بے تانی کہاں تک پاس بد نامی

How long must I control this restlessness, how long must I bottle up my love for Allah Ta’ala

کیا مجبور اظہار بیاں پر خوف ِ  فردانے

I am now forced and have to speak of the love of Allah

The lovers of Allah Ta’ala cannot control their love, they’ve got to release the steam like a pressure cooker. If the steam is withheld the pot will explode.

نہ کر تحقیر اے زاھد خدا کے درد مندوں  کی

مقام درد دل کو بے خبر تو آہ کیا جانے

Don’t consider as low the lovers of Allah, O Zaahid, what do you know of the position of the love of Allah, O uninformed!

تجلی ان کی ہوتی ہے عطا قلب شکستہ میں

The Tajalli (lightning) of Allah descends on a broken heart

Every heart has Haraam desires to commit sin. Hadrat R.A. said, “Never make Dua that this desire must be removed.” A person wants to look at an extremely beautiful woman but the command of Allah is before him and he refrains, you wanted to shout your wife but then kept silent, Allah Ta’ala sends flashes of his lightning into that heart. There are those that enjoy porn, other women, etc. don’t give up but continue making an effort to rid oneself of these evil qualities.

کیا ہے قلب کو لیکن شکستہ غم کے سودانے

How many times didn’t this heart break (as Nafs is with every person)

The more the desires are broken, the more the mercy of Allah Ta’ala enters the heart. Hadrat R.A. mentioned, “Don’t even be concerned of the naked women at the banks, airports, etc. You simply safeguard your eyes.” Hadrat used to say, “These are the markets where the certificates of Jannat are being dished out.”

نہیں ہے زندگی میں جس کی کوئی داستاں غم کی

A person that didn’t have any story of grieve in his life (never had the opportunity of trampling the Nafs)

This is like a person that is in the graveyard that is free of temptation.

وہ اہل غم کے قرب ِ خستگی کو آہ کیا جانے

What does he know of those that broke the heart’s desire and gained the closeness of Allah Ta’ala

This closeness is only for those that have temptation within them. It is not even jaiz to refer to Jibraeel A.S. as a Wali, as a Wali possesses temptation. If the most beautiful Hur sits in the lap of Jibraeel A.S., it won’t make any difference to him. He won’t know whether it is a stick or stone on him or something else.

وہی کرتے ہیں ان کے عاشقوں پر تبصرے اختر

جو ظالم  درد الفت سے ہوا  کرتے ہیں بیگانے      

Those that criticize the lovers of Allah Ta’ala Akhtar are such oppressors that are unaware of the love of Allah Ta’ala

These people are part of us, they are our friends  but haven’t tasted of the love of Allah Ta’ala, so don’t treat them harshly for criticizing the lovers of Allah Ta’ala. A little baby slaps the mother, pulls the father’s beard, etc. but it is acceptable. If another does it, we say, “Can’t the parents teach their children respect?”