This month is referred to by Gujrati people as an empty month, whilst other people regard it as an unlucky month. This is done out of ignorance else this month is equal to any other month.  The older people discourage Nikaahs in this month due to it being an unlucky month. This is totally against the teachings of Islam. If a person gets married in this month, he will gain greater reward as he is breaking an incorrect tradition. Such a tradition that is totally against Imaan, Islam, and the teachings of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). 

Previously people regarded this month as an unlucky month. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) established the Deen of Islam and put an end to such incorrect beliefs. Unfortunately, this belief still lingers along with many people.  Undoubtedly, there are many days and months that are regarded as blessed in Islam, such as the month of Ramadan, the evening of Jumah etc. and various other occasions. However, we do not have an unlucky occasion in our Deen. It is against the grain of Imaan to believe in superstition which is tantamount to Shirk.  There are various forms of Shirk (associating partners with Allah Ta'ala. If a person believes that anything besides Allah Ta'ala has the power to do things, then it is equal to believing that, such a thing is equal to Allah Ta'ala in power.  For example, many people believe, that if a cat crosses the road whilst one is driving, it indicates that an accident will occur. This is regarded as superstition. There is a little riddle, why did the hen go from one side of the road to the other side? The answer is simple, it had some work, so it crossed the road. Similarly, the cat needed to cross the road, so it crossed. The cat does not have the power to cause an accident?  Allah Ta'ala alone has the power of all things. All good and bad comes to us from Allah Ta'ala and a cat has nothing to do with it. There are many so to say pious people that are outwardly involved in various forms of Ibaadat yet they believe that if a cat meows at night, then news of someone’s death will reach them. What has the meowing of the cat got to do with the life and death of a person? Life and death is totally in the hands of Allah Ta'ala which is mentioned in various parts of the Quraan and Hadith,  Allah Ta'ala is the Giver and Taker of life. If a person believes in Tawheed and knows the pure teachings of the Quraan and Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). , then how can one entertain the slightest belief that the meowing of a cat is connected to death? The cat meows for various reasons, what has that got to do with life and death?

Similarly, there are people that believe in certain numbers being a source of bad luck, such as the number thirteen. There is yet another incorrect belief, which hasn’t been mentioned in Quraan or Hadith. Having such beliefs reflect towards the weakness of our Imaan.  In order to rectify these incorrect beliefs one should go out in Jamaat, give talks on Imaan, listen to talks on Imaan, make an effort on Imaan, take Bay’at to a Sheikh and follow his teachings, in this way a person’s belief will be strengthened. The more one gives Dawat (invitation) towards Allah Ta'ala, superstitious beliefs will gradually leave his life.