Miscellaneous Sunnats _ 5

22. Sunnat: It is sunnat to place the pillow on the right or the left hand side. (Shamaail‐e‐Tirmidhi Ma’a Khasaail‐e‐Nabawi‐ pg.76) 

23. Sunnat: To joke with one’s wife in order to make her happy is also sunnat. (Khasaail‐Commentary of Shamaail‐ pg.198) 

24. Sunnat: Rasulallah (SallAllahu alayhi wasallam) used to sit cross legged in the Masjid from after Fajar upto Ishraaq. He would sit cross legged in the company of the Sahaaba (Radiyallahu anhum) as well. (Khasaail‐Commentary of Shamaail‐ pg. 76) However, it has been mentioned in the kitaabs that for juniors to sit in Tashahhud position in front of seniors displays more humility. (Shaami‐Vol.1) 

25. Sunnat: To meet one’s Muslim brother with a cheerful face. (Tirmidhi‐Vol.2, pg.8) 

26. Sunnat: To ask the owner of the conveyance to sit in front and not to personally sit in front without his express permission is sunnat. (Mishkaat)


  • Beautiful Sunnats