
The first form of Jihaad


The first form of Jihaad is to change one’s life, give up adultery, people are frequenting the porn websites, they going to nightclubs and at the same time they want to participate in Jihaad. When Ali R.A. had an upper hand over the Kaafir on the occasion of a certain battle, the Kaafir spat on the face of Ali R.A yet Ali R.A had total control of his anger and his Islaah was completed to such an extent that Ali h let him free. He knew that he will not be killing the Kaafir for the pleasure of Allah rather he will be killing him for his personal gain and egos.


The word Jihaad was not used by Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam for thirteen years in Makkah Sharif as it was a time of making the Islaah of Sahaaba, making effort and building the Imaan and Akhlaaq of the Sahaaba R.A. When they had reached Madinah Munawwarah then only did the battle of Badr take place.


Conditions for Jihaad by Hadrat Thanvi R.A


When the British were ruling in India, the man behind the scene was prepared to make every person in India a Christian. The Ulema stood up for Jihaad. At a later stage, the people whom we refer to as the modernist, the liberal people also became very concerned. They formed a delegation and came to Hadrat Maulana Thanvi R.A. They said, “Hadrat, we have to start Jihaad now and we appoint you as our leader.” Maulana made three conditions. The first is that there won’t be any Jihaad for a period of ten years. You will first have to make your Islaah. We must have Salaah in our lives, look like Muslims, deal like Muslims, etc. The greatest Jihaad is the Jihaad of the Nafs.


رجعنا من الجهاد الاصغر الى الجهاد الاكبر


If we make Jihaad on the Nafs, the physical Jihaad will be a walk over. The conquest of Makkah was a walkover for the Sahaaba and the world cannot produce a second to the conquest of Makkah, it was such a walkover that not a single drop of blood was shed. Today, we see blood everywhere and a person is affected when he sees blood. In conclusion, we should spiritually reform ourselves before taking part in the physical Jihaad. May Allah Ta'ala grant us Taufeeq!