Importance of Home Taleem
Submitted by Shaheen Kola on
A Muslim home is really one in which 5 times salaat takes place (by the females), Nafl namaazes take place, tilawat (recitation) of the Qur’an Sharif, Zikrullah, duas, muraqabah (meditation) and very importantly Taleem takes place.
It is narrated in a Hadith that Allah’s azab (punishment) does not descend in a place where the hadith of Rasulullah(sallallaahu alaiyhi wassallam) is read. Subhanallah!
By making Taleem in our homes, we will be saved from the azab of Allah. A vacuum does not exist anywhere. If there is no Taleem (rahmat) of Allah in the house, then there will be all types of ghaflat (unmindfiilness) like television, videos, too engrossed in the cell phone, leaving no time for anyone, newspapers, magazines, radios, games, idle talk of dunya, backbiting, slandering, etc. which all draw the azab of Allah.
This azaab then manifests itself in the form of the disobedience of the children to their parents, of them choosing alien, hated and horrible ways of the west, etc. in their attitudes, dressing, speaking, etc, Also the azab is seen in the form of no communication, etc. between husband and wife and other family members.
Many a person complains that Alhamdulillah we have got every thing of dunya but there is no muhabbat (love) in our house or we are earning so much but there is no barakah. Before the end of the month, all the money is finished and so many bills still have to be paid.This is yet another form of Allah’s azab.
By having taleem, barakah, rahmat will descend in the form of love and respect between all the family members. Money will not only be sufficient, but there will always be extra as well. We will use it in good courses for the pleasure of Allaah Jallajalaalahu. We will be saved from terrible diseases, accidents, problems, etc. Aafiyat (a smooth life) will be granted…
Of what, when, and for how long, etc. should taleem be made ?
A few humble suggestions follow:-
Taleem should be made of :
1. Fazaail Amal
2. Bahishti Zewar
3. A kitaab on Sunnats
4. Seerat (Life of Rasulullah(sallallaahu alaiyhi wassallam)
5. Aadabul Mu’asharat (Right social conduct) and all the 5 basic departments of Dien
6. Remembrance of Death and
7. A miscellaneous kitaab. When one is finished, start another one.
This taleem should be collective – the family members should preferably all sit together and let as many participants each read a kitaab, as is possible. Each kitaab should only be read for about 2 minutes.
Beheshti Zewer and a Sunnat kitab should be read in this way that the first day 1 mas’alah/sunnat be read, which will take about 15 seconds each, the next day repeat yesterday’s lesson and read another mas’alah/sunnat, which should take about 30 seconds, the third day repeat the previous 2 day’s lessons and read a third mas’alah/sunnat. This should take about 1 minute, at the maximum 2 minutes each….
May Allah Ta’ala make Taleem in the home easy and a reality for us, Ameen.
We will never be able to be fully grateful and thankful to Allah Ta’ala for the great goodness that will abound to us through this.