Formulating intentions when serving Deen
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On one occasion, when Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Kandhlawi (Rahmatullahu alayh) gave the Jumu`ah Khutbah1
, his respected father, Hadhrat
Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas (Rahmatullahu alayh) asked him what intention
he had made for the Khutbah he had delivered.
Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf (Rahmatullahu alayh) replied, that his Niyyat
(intention) was to deliver the Sunnah Khutbah.
Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas (Rahmatullahu alayh) advised him thus:
“Had you made the Niyyat that Allah Ta’ala conveys this
message to all the people of the world, you would have then
reaped so much more in Thawaab (rewards). You would
have secured tremendous rewards on such a Niyyat.”
Contemplating on this priceless gem, and thereafter on the
intentions we make, it came to mind, that on undertaking any
Khidmat of Dien – whether Khutbah, bayaan, writing, travel for
the purpose of Dien, etc. – we should keep the following points
and concerns before us, when formulating our intentions,
including the above.
The following Dua is an extension and an explanation to the
main intention to do solely and only for the Pleasure of Allah
Ta’ala, and it also reflects the weighty responsibility we have
when engaging in the services of Dien. We should make Dua,
along these lines :
“O Allah, make this a means of Amal and Hidayat for myself and for
all; grant me the Taufeeq to convey it correctly, and explain it correctly; let it be understood correctly and let it be practised upon
O Allah, grant me 100% sincerity, as well as all the qualities of
acceptance. Allow the message of Your Deen to spread to all mankind
and jinn till the day of Qiyaamah. Wherever it reaches, in which ever
way it reaches, by whatever means, let there be only good in it and let
only good come out of it. Let there be no evil or harm in it, and let no
harm come out of it.
O Allah, Bless me to convey that which is necessary and beneficial,
according to each individual; let there be no test or trial in it, no
mistakes or errors in it, and O Allah, save me from any kind of
disrespect also.
O Allah, let each and every Ayat and Hadith be only for Your Pleasure.
Seal this talk with Your Special Pleasure and Acceptance - whether of
the sayings, actions and conditions of the pious, the analogies and the
examples, the events, poems or anecdotes.
O Allah, let every single moment spent in the Khidmat of Your Dien be
only for Your pleasure. You, out of Your Kindness, declare it to be only
for Your pleasure, as far as the words, meanings, insinuations and body
language are concerned.
O Allah, Crown our humble efforts and endeavours with acceptance,
even though not worthy of acceptance.”
When formulating our intentions, we should keep before us this
Dua. Insha-Allah , it will assist us in understanding what a
sincere intention should be, and also create the concern to carry
out our work in the best possible manner, as would be pleasing
to Allah Ta’ala.
(Malfooz of Hazrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Saab Daamat Barakaatuh)