The desire for Islam to spread in the world

Islam must spread in the world


Mufti Taqi Uthmaani D.B says, Muslims want Islamic law to be enforced in the world, they want governance according to Islam. This is the reason the people are going to join ISIS. They want the Islamic Khilaafat to be established. Any Muslim that got an iota of Islam in his heart wants Islam to be established in the world. They march, demonstrate demanding establishment of Islamic law in the country, govern according to Islam in our country, etc! These aspirations are noble, sublime and required, but the method used is not correct. Mufti Saheb D.B explains the correct method is that every person is a country of his own with so many provinces - the province of the head, brains, heart, eyes, tongue, hands, legs, etc. and you are the life-long president or prime minister of this country, not only for 4/5 years, you don't have to canvass for votes and fight an election! And you have no opposition in this parliament; just bring Islam and Sunnats in each of these provinces. If everyone does this, Islam will become alive in the whole world. We won't require a huge budget for this, nor huge buildings, an army, government or anything.     


I will quote another example. The little children are given drawing books which they have to colour. They are given a picture of a lion which they are required to colour. The kids are naughty so they display their bravery. After colouring the lion, they use a knife and remove the eyes proving their bravery. They take a scissor and remove the tail of the lion. What can the lion really do? It is nothing more than a picture.


Another lion is caged in a zoo. This lion is living but caged. There are notices that one should not interfere with the lion or throw stones at the lion. However, the little kids throw stones and prove that the lion cannot do anything. They push a stick into the cage but the lion cannot do anything. One is a lion in the jungle, interfere with that lion and see the result and consequences.


Whatever is happening in the world whether it is ‘ISIS’, ‘Boko Haram’ or the Taliban or the Shabaab, we are all picture lions. We cannot do a single thing in the world. We are being manipulated by the higher forces. We are made to believe that we are offering a great service to Deen. It is either that our palms are being greased very well or our pockets are becoming heavy with dollars. The reality is we are all picture lions.


The Sahaaba of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam


Khalid Ibn Walid R.A, a single Sahaabi was not a picture lion. Abu Bakr R.A was not a picture lion. He said, “Will deficiency come into Deen whilst Abu Bakr is alive?” There are those living lions but they are in cages. We can’t go for Umrah without a photo today. We have to take a photo, and then seek forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. We cannot travel abroad without taking a photo.

In one Ijtima people said that the work of Tabligh has spread so much but Hidaayat hasn’t come into the world. Hadrat Maulana Yusuf Saheb Khandelwi R.A said, “I need 313 lions and I don’t even have a single one as yet.” This is the effort of Tasawwuf and Islaah.

Our Sheikh R.A gives a beautiful example from the Mathnawi of Maulana Jalaal-ud-Deen Rumi R.A. that there is a cat that is now old and extremely weak. There are approximately 15 rats around this cat. They have a parliament meeting that this cat is troubling us. We are 15 and it is just one cat. Five or six of us will attack the throat of the cat, others the eyes, stomach, etc. On paper, everything looks very good. This is exactly what people are doing today. On the draft boards everything looks very well. They didn’t take the power of Imaan into account. This is that power of Imaan that exist in every person’s heart. We have to make an effort to strengthen it. One person will stand up like Khalid Ibn Walid h or Abu Bakr h and sort out the world. Give us an Umar today and we will put the world right. The material of Umar R.A. is with everyone. Our Sheikh says that the cat has the heart of a cat. It just has to let out a single meow and the rats will be scattered in all directions. All their plotting and planning will be forgotten. We should make an effort to become real lions like Sahaaba and not picture lions. Ameen!