Building and purchasing properties

حدثنا محمود بن غيلان حدثنا وكيع حدثنا سفيان عن الأعمش عن شمر بن عطية عن المغيرة بن سعد بن الأخرم عن أبيه عن عبد الله بن مسعود قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم لا تتخذوا الضيعة فترغبوا في الدنيا

Hadrat Abdullah bin Masood Radiallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Don’t regard properties to be necessary for you as it will become a means of inclining towards the Dunya.”

 This means that a person should not be so occupied in building and purchasing properties that one starts becoming negligent of the Aakhirat. The author of Mazaahir-e-Haq has quoted a poem,

گرت مال وجاہست زرع وتجارت

چو دل باخدا ایست خلوت نشینی

In spite of having fame,wealth, farming and business,

If the heart is with Allah Ta'ala then this person is regarded to be in seclusion and with Allah Ta'ala

His Dunya is not harmful to his Aakhirat. In the Quraan Sharif Allah Ta'ala mentions,

رجال لا تلهيهم تجارة ولا بيع عن ذكرالله واقام الصلٰوة ---الخ

The men of Allah are those that neither merchandise (whether massive or small) distracts them from the remembrance of Allah, establishment Salaah and discharging of Zakaat.     





  • Dunya Ki Haqeeqat