Benefits of respecting the Azaan

There was a blacksmith who would be busy working with his tools, striking the steel with his hammer, etc. However, if the Adhaan was called and he is on the verge of striking the next shot, he will never strike the next shot but immediately proceed for Salaah. On this action Allah Ta'ala granted him an elevated position in Jannat.

 The wife of Harun-Ar-Rasheed Zubaida had done a lot of social welfare work. When she was presented before Allah Ta'ala then the pages of her book of deeds were being turned without being shown any specific importance to all her services rendered. Finally they reached a place where she was once very thirsty and requested her slave girl to fetch her a glass of water. She was on the verge of drinking the water when the Adhaan was called out. She had postponed her drinking to a later stage and replied to the Adhaan. On this action, she was forgiven.  Some do not reply verbally, yet there are many that do not respond to the Adhaan physically by coming to the masjid for salaah.

Many ring tones on the phones are Adhaans. The Adhaan is playing whilst a person is relieving himself in the toilet. This is total disrespect to the Adhaan.

A Bid'ati went to the Nizamuddin Markaz. He had expressed the benefit he had derived from the work of Dawat and Tabligh but he found that people do not respect the Adhaan. Disrespect towards the Adhaan has been referred to as a sign of hypocrisy. We don‟t even reply to the Adhaan. If we do reply then perhaps it is only in the beginning of the Adhaan or at the ending of the Adhaan.
A Quraan Khatm Jalsa was held at a certain Madrasah. The MC announced that the Adhaan will be delayed by five to seven minutes. Many brothers have come from far so they would like to meet their friends so we have accommodated for that. However, when the Adhaan takes place please keep quiet.

Hadrat Hakim Saheb (rahmatullah alayh) has written, “If a person responds to the Adhaan then he is guaranteed death upon Imaan.

(from the talks of Hazrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Saab Daamat Barakaatuh)