Anwaar us Salaah

English Salaat



ALHAMDULILLAH! My RABB be praised. The beauty of this book cannot be explained. Of course, when ahqar refers to the beauty of this book, what is meant, is sitting in the presence of my beloved Sheikh, Hazrat Moulana Shah Abdul Hamid Saheb ( ), and listening to my Hazratwaala read from the original Kitaab, and give commentary on what Hazratwaala had read. To add to the Anwaaraat, these Majaalis took place, and still do take place throughout the Mubaarak month of Ramadaan, at the Daarul Uloom, Azaadville.

Though Ahqar’s feeling is that a lot of the Awaaraat is ‘lost’ from the actual Majlis, as there are many shortcomings in this compilation, and that not even a fraction of that Anwaaraat can be rekindled in this booklet, it is intended that this booklet give some idea to the Mu’mineen in general what Salaah really is, and how Salaah really ought to be performed. The reality of Salaah must be experienced by all Muslims.

There are certain narrations in this book which are repeated, either in depth or ‘in passing’. This was included with intent, as the said section(s) are of great importance, and should be inherent in a Muslim’s life. It is stated...


“And that which is constantly repeated, becomes inherent.”

This is but a humble attempt to put together great works by great personages, and it leaves me with a feeling of dismal failure. Ahqar’s Duaa is for Allah (SWT) acceptance of this very weak effort.



“A person who did not learn to make Shukr to mankind, will never be able to make Shukr to Allah.”

To all who have assisted in any small way with this compilation, may Allah (SWT) grant you Jazaa-e-Khair, your rewards are with Allah, and Allah alone.

Ahqar Rashid- 23rd RAJAB 1420, 2nd NOVEMBER 1999

Book Contents

Lesson One

  1. The Benefits of all the Ibaadaat in Namaaz
  2. The Ibaadat of Zakaat in Namaaz
  3. The Ibaadat of Haj (Pilgrimage) in Namaaz
  4. The Ibaadat of Roza (Fasting) in Namaaz
  5. The Ibaadat of Jihaad (Holy War) in Namaaz
  6. Conditions for Reaping these Rewards
  7. Tahaarat
  8. Firstly
  9. Secondly
  10. Thirdly
  11. Fourthly
  12. Paaki
  13. Concentration
  14. Focussing the Eyes in Namaaz

Lesson Two

  1. Facing the Kaaba
  2. The Benefits and Wisdom of Facing the Kaaba
  3. Times for Namaaz
  4. Discussion on Namaaz and the Meaning of the Words of Namaaz
  5. Benefits of Performing Namaaz as Described above
  6. Actions in Namaaz
  7. Niyyat (Intention)
  8. Takbeer-e-Tahreema (Lifting the Handsto Start Namaaz - For Men)
  9. Recitation of Thana
  10. Benefits of Reciting Thana
  11. Ta'awwuz
  12. Tasmia
  13. Benefits of Recitng Surah Faatiha

Lesson Three

  1. Ruku, Qawma and Sujood
  2. Ruku
  3. Benefit of Making Ruku
  4. Qawma
  5. Benefits of Standing in Qawma
  6. Sajda
  7. Benefit of Sajda
  8. Benefit of Jalsa

Lesson Four

  1. Qaa'da and Salaam
  2. What Our Attitude Should be Between Namaazes
  3. Revision on Focusing the Eyes when in Qaa'da

Lesson Five

  1. Duaa-e-Qunoot in Witr Namaaz
  2. Quantifying the Status and Value of Namaaz
  3. Advice and Commentary of Hazrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Saheb with Regard to the Duaa
  4. Commentary of the Meaning of Surah Faatiha

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