Advices on the Completion of Bukhari Sharief

الحمد الله وكفى وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى اما بعد فقد قال الله تبارك وتعالى

مَا كَانَ لِبَشَرٍ أَنْ يُؤْتِيَهُ اللَّهُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحُكْمَ وَالنُّبُوَّةَ ثُمَّ يَقُولَ لِلنَّاسِ كُونُوا عِبَاداً لِي مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ وَلَكِنْ كُونُوا رَبَّانِيِّينَ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تُعَلِّمُونَ الْكِتَابَ وَبِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَدْرُسُونَ ) سورة اٰل عمران)

وقال النبي صلّي الله عبيه وسلّم إن العلماء ورثة الأنبياء إن الأنبياء لم يورثوا دينارا ولا درهما إنما ورثوا العلم فمن أخذ به أخذ بحظ وافر (سنن الترمذي)



May Allah Ta'ala grant me the Taufeeq to say words that are beneficial for me, all of us and the Ummat at large. Thereafter, we should leave here with a new determination that we will now serve the Deen of Allah Ta'ala. This opportunity is afforded to us all the time, whether we are practically involved in the service of Deen or we are supports from behind.

Our Sheikh Hadrat Maulana Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar Saheb R.A offers great advice for students that have completed the Aalim course. Allah Ta'ala states in the Quraan Sharif,

مَا كَانَ لِبَشَرٍ أَنْ يُؤْتِيَهُ اللَّهُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحُكْمَ وَالنُّبُوَّةَ ثُمَّ يَقُولَ لِلنَّاسِ كُونُوا عِبَاداً لِي مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ وَلَكِنْ كُونُوا رَبَّانِيِّينَ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تُعَلِّمُونَ الْكِتَابَ وَبِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَدْرُسُونَ ) سورة اٰل عمران)

It is not possible that Allah gives any human being a Book, wisdom (a Shariah) and Nabuwwah, and then he says to the people, “Leave Allah and worship me.” He would rather say, Become the people of your Rabb because you are teaching the Book and because you are studying it.”

Allah Ta'ala addresses the Ulema that they should become Allah Wala on account of teaching and studying the Kitaab. A student studies Nahw, Sarf, Lughat, Adab, Tarjuma, Usool, Fiqh, Tafseer and Hadith until he finally completes his studies with Bukhari Sharif. The actual addressees of this verse were the Bani Israeel but we are also intended, as the Quraan Sharif was revealed for us (the Ummat of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and the Quraan Sharif is till the day of Qiyaamah.    

You are graduating today but you haven’t completed your studies, as Maulana Ayub Surti Saheb has stated that you will not become ‘Faarigh-free’ rather you will now become ‘Mashghool-occupied.’ Our Sheikh R.A explains from a Bayaan of Maulana Gangohi R.A that Imaam Bukhari R.A has completed his Kitaab with the final Hadith which indicates towards Zikrullah, which means that you should now occupy yourself in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala.   


Imaam Bukhari has taught us in the beginning of his Kitaab by bringing the Hadith of ‘Niyyat’ that the most important aspect for an Alim is Ikhlaas. May Allah Ta'ala bless us with Ikhlaas, to which there isn’t any end. This is similar to a person that is climbing a mountain, he thinks that he has reached the top, but when he gets to that particular point then he realises that there is a point that is higher, on reaching the second point he realises that there is a point even higher. Haji Imdaadullah Muhajir Makki Saheb R.A used to say that Ikhlaas comes towards the end of a person’s life after making great effort. We generally think that we have Ikhlaas but it is something that we really have to strive for. Hadrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A stated, “Without straightening the shoes of the Ahlullah, one will not acquire Ikhlaas.” Hadrat Maulana Abraar-ul Haq Saheb R.A gave an example, that a fly sitting on the mirror seems like it is in the mirror but it is actually on the outside. Similarly, many think that they have Ikhlaas yet they are far from Ikhlaas. Some people outwardly show humbleness but such humbleness is actually a greater form of pride. May Allah Ta'ala grant us the reality of these things and bless us with Ikhlaas. Ameen!


Our objective is that we should become Allah Wala. Maulana Rumi R.A gives an example which I have heard from our Sheikh R.A on various occasions; that the grape vines which are for commercial purposes are not made to grow very high so that one acquires good quality grapes. The leaves and branches at the bottom are cut so that one may get the best quality grapes on top. The ant climbs to the top of the grape vine and lives on the leaves, nourishes itself on the leaves, until they have holes. This is when the farmer gets the leaves sprayed with chemicals to get rid of the ants. The little insect thinks that I have reached where I was supposed to have reached but it has only reached the leaves, if only it could get a taste of the grape. We after going through the Maktab level, Hifz, Aalim course, etc. are still on the leaves. We continue being on the leaves even though we may become Imaams, Khateebs, Ustaads, etc. Maulana Rumi R.A says, “If only the ant had a Sheikh that could direct it towards the grape, then what enjoyment wouldn’t the ant experience.” Now you have completed and will serve Deen, but go a centimetre forward and establish a relationship with the Ahlullah then you will get the juice of the love of Allah Ta'ala. When a person tastes this juice, then only will he know what Deen is all about. Maulana Hassan Dockrat Saheb D.B. took Bay’at to Hadrat Maulana Ayub Surtee Saheb D.B. received Khilaafat, and this Darul Uloom then came into existence.

Hadrat Maulana Alimia Saheb R.A was that personality for whom the Arab world would sacrifice their lives. He was that personality for whom the Arabs performed Salaatul Janaazah in the Haram in his absence. Maulana said, “Allah Ta'ala took work from those that were connected with Mashaaikh whether they were from Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, etc.”  Having the potential of doing things which is referred to as Qaabiliyyat is a different thing and Qabuliyyat (acceptance) by Allah Ta'ala is something else. Qabiliyyat is important and in its place but Qabuliyyat will only come when you are with the accepted servants of Allah Ta'ala. I will request or rather demand if possible from Hadrat Maulana Hassan Docrat Saheb to have regular gatherings or Majalis for his students.


Maulana Rumi R.A says that he would have never become Allah Wala if he had not established a connection with Sheikh Shams Tabrez R.A. Qari Tayyib Saheb R.A said, there are 3 Lughats for Molvi, some pronounce it as Mooli sahib which refers to raddish – a man who is not practicing on Deen, the other is Molvi Saheb (a person that studied the knowledge of Deen and is imparting knowledge of Deen) and the third is Mowlawi (Allah Wala). He has connection with Allah Ta'ala. This is where we have to reach.


In the Quraan Sharif, Allah Ta'ala states that we had blessed Luqman A.S with Hikmah which is literally translated as wisdom. The first aspect of wisdom is that a person is blessed with correct knowledge. This is extremely important. Are we acquiring the correct knowledge by trying to acquire knowledge by surfing the internet? Some Mufti’s may give a Fatwa that getting married on the internet is correct whilst others may disapprove. However, all the Muftis of the world put together can never issue a Fatwa that one will get a child by being on the internet. One will acquire information over the net but he will never get the Noor of knowledge, as the Noor of knowledge is transferred from heart to heart. The Noor will only transfer when you remain in the companionship of the pious.

This Madrasah of Hadrat Maulana Hassan Saheb will be too small very soon. May Allah Ta'ala grant Maulana a place where he can establish a Darul Iqaamah as well. We are aware of the environment at home and on the streets, it is therefore necessary for the students to remain fully in a Deeni environment to acquire the Noor.  


It is mentioned in Seeratul Mustafa of Maulana Idrees Saheb Khandelwi R.A. that when Islam began spreading far and wide, Hadrat Umar h wrote to the various authorities that they should not adorn the clothing of the people of the countries to which they are travelling. They should adorn the Sunnat and Islamic clothing. There are those people that state that if Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam  was sent as a Rasool to Europe then he would have worn a suit and tie, Allah forbid. If he was sent to another place, he would have adorned himself with the dressing of those people. The Quraan states that there is a perfect example for you in Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam , what Allah Ta'ala desired was found in Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam , whether internally or externally. Umar h also stated that the Jews, Christians and others shouldn’t adopt Islamic dressing. This means that a Muslim has his own uniform and should stick to his uniform. More important than the outward appearance is the heart, which should be revitalised. Making an effort of the heart is a continuous effort until death.


As a servant I would request every Alim to have Dars-e-Quraan and Dars-e-Hadith for the public at the Masjid or even at home. There is great benefit in doing so. The last word of Surah Naas is the word ‘Wan-Naas.’ In regards to this word, Hadrat Maulana Idrees Saheb Khandelvi R.A has stated, Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam  is reported to have said, ‘A time will soon come, as the people of Aad and Thamud were destroyed, my people will be destroyed.” This refers to such people that will discuss the Quraan Sharif, those that will discuss Deen and in fact present Deen in an extremely rosy and flowery way, but it will be everything besides Deen. This type of talks can be seen on ‘you tube’ recordings. Unfortunately, people are trapped with the quotations and flowery words and impressing presentations of these orators, in fact the women go crazy for such talks and even pay up to R1000 - R2000 to attend a single seminar.

In a particular place in Bangladesh a Christian priest converted many people into Christianity to the extent that even the Imaam became a Christian. The Imaam was telling the people in the Jumuah Khutbah that Christianity is the correct religion. He also told his congregation that the name of Essa A.S is taken repeatedly in the Quraan whereas the name of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is taken on just a few occasions. They said, “Get hold of the priest, and told him that we may engage in debate with you and you may possibly win every debate but remember that success at the time of death is only in the Deen of Islam.” When they spoke to him with such conviction, he accepted Islam and all those that became Murtad also returned to the Deen of Islam.


We are the children of Ulema-e-Deoband and should not shy away from our heritage. We are the ones that spoil the name of Ulema-e-Deoband but at the end of the day we are their children. I cannot elaborate on what the Ulema of Saudia, Morocco, Eygpt and various other parts of the world have to say about the Ulema of Deoband. We should therefore be careful that we do not change the form of Deen, nor should we fall prey to these people with their new acts of Deen.


Allah c has made it extremely easy to reach Him; In the Quraan Allah Ta'ala states, “Ar-Rahmaan, ask those that are informed.” If you want to know of Allah Ta'ala, find out from those that are informed of Allah Ta'ala. Hadrat Maulana Abdul Ghani Pulpoori R.A used to say, “Clothes are attained from people that sell clothes, sweetmeats from those that sell sweetmeats, and Allah Ta'ala is acquired from those that have Allah Ta'ala.” This is a simple mathematical equation. Go to the Ahlullah, and acquire Allah Ta'ala.


The second meaning of ‘Hikmah’ refers to correct understanding. The Sahaaba acquired the correct understanding of Deen from Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam , who passed it onto Tabi’een, Tabe Taa’bieen and so forth until it has reached us. The true Sanad of the students is not when they pass their exam, rather it is what they learn from their Ustaads during the lesson, which their Ustaads acquired from their Ustaads. By sitting in front of their Ustaad, they acquire the temperament of their Ustaad. This temperament can never be acquired over the net. The temperament is acquired by sitting with the Ustaad personally. This temperament should then connect them to the Ulema of Deoband whether they are from India, Pakistan, South Africa, etc.  

By searching the Ahadith on the computer and then discussing the meaning of the Hadith with a few individuals and finally reaching a conclusion is not Ilm-e-Saheeh but it is incorrect knowledge. This can be understood by an example. Your father is lying down on his bed at night. He calls out to you to bring water, how will you take the water? The water will be taken in a glass as he requires water for drinking. On a Sunday morning your father is standing next to his car with his sleeves rolled up and asks for water, how will you take the water? In a bucket, as he requires water to wash his car.

If a person now reads the command “Bring me water” after 1400 years then he may take a bucket of water whilst the father is on the bed and a glass of water when he has to wash the car as he is unaware of the situation. This is the type of interpretation of Deen that is becoming common; people are getting their own interpretation of Deen.

Finally we make Dua, May Allah Ta'ala take this institute and all others from strength to strength, May Allah Ta'ala accept us all for Deen, and take service of Deen throughout the length and breadth of the country.