THE WORD AAYAH is commonly translated as “verse” but it means “sign”. There are more than 6000 Aayaat in the Qur’aan Sharief. These Aayaat are signs from Allah Ta’ala, which offer us direction to the Zaat (Being) of Allah Ta’ala. …The Qur’aan Sharief leads us to the beautiful destination of Allah Ta’ala’s Ma’rifah, ‘Ishq and Pleasure. 

As an example: We are currently in Azaadville. If we want to travel to Johannesburg, which is towards the east of Azaadville, we will have to follow the respective signboards to reach Johannesburg. If a person wants to reach any other city, he will have to follow the relevant signboards to reach that city. …Similarly, from every Aayah of the Qur’aan Sharief, one gets direction to Allah Ta’ala. Alhamdulillah, with Allah Ta’ala’s Fadhl and great Ihsaan, when we commenced learning the Qur’aan Sharief, we read it by looking inside (Naazirah), thereafter we memorised some Surahs, and went on to become Huffaaz of the Qur’aan Sharief. Alhamdulillah, Allah Ta’ala then opened another special door to more of His Bounties and Blessings – by guiding us to the Darul Uloom and we commenced the ‘Aalim course. There, with Allah Ta’ala’s Fadhl, we went further in learning the Qur’aan Sharief; studying the translation and the Tafaaseer (commentaries). Alhamdulillah, on completing, many then teach the Qur’aan Sharief to others. …Very sadly, despite being blessed with all of these great bounties, and having this link to the Qur’aan Sharief, many of us have not found Allah Ta’ala and have not recognised Allah Ta’ala.

To illustrate: A person undertakes a journey. In spite of many signboards that are placed strategically, offering directions, he gets lost. He also has a GPS to show him the correct route but he still finds himself lost. He then asks someone for directions and the person gives him directions, pointing out land marks enroute, and informing him where to turn right, turn left, etc. The person also draws a sketch with details and landmarks, and keeps in contact with the person via the cell-phone, to ensure that the person is on the right course. If the person does not reach his destination after all of this information and all of these directions, what would we say of the person? …Of course, this is not like the case of the person who was lost in KwaZulu Natal and stopped to ask someone for directions. The person said: “Turn right at the second traffic light, left at the stop street, continue ahead and get lost!” Like a comprehensive map, the Qur’aan Sharief outlines and details the route to Allah Ta’ala, to Najaat (salvation) and to Jannah. From Allah Ta’ala’s side, He has given us 6000+ signs so that we do not get lost. In many places in the Qur’aan Sharief, Allah Ta’ala uses the plural, ‘Aayaat’. Together with this beautiful guidance, everything around us, including ourselves and every part of our bodies, are signs to recognise Allah Ta’ala.