Audio Library for Short Advices

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# Title Speaker When Language
1 30 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 07 July 2024 Are We Eager to Rush to Allah – Take Lesson from Moulna Ilyaas Rahmatullah Alaih Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 7 July, 2024 English
2 30 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 07 July 2024 We Are Being Tracked and Our Deeds are Presented Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 7 July, 2024 English
3 30 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 07 July 2024 Formula for Pious Children Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 7 July, 2024 English
4 19 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 25 June 2024 Do I Appreciate the Role of CHO - Chief Home Officer Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 25 June, 2024 English
5 14 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 21 June 2024 What Is Deen & The Effort od Deen Part2 Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 21 June, 2024 English
6 14 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 21 June 2024 What Is Deen & The Effort od Deen Part1 Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 21 June, 2024 English
7 14 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 21 June 2024 Amal For Pious Children Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 21 June, 2024 English
8 14 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 21 June 2024 Am I Upgrading My Namaaz Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 21 June, 2024 English
9 09 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 16 June 2024 Advices For The Day Of Arafah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 16 June, 2024 English
10 09 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 16 June 2024 Labaik O Allah I Am Present Only For You Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 16 June, 2024 English
11 09 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 16 June 2024 The Zikr for the Day of Arafah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 16 June, 2024 English
12 02 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 08 June 2024 WE will Protect the Quraan, The Quaran Will Decry the Scholars for Dollars Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Saturday, 8 June, 2024 English
13 03 Dhul Qa'dah 1445 / 11 May 2024 Malady of Fear of Criticism – Not Speaking The Truth – A Sign of Pride Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Saturday, 11 May, 2024 English
14 03 Dhul Qa'dah 1445 / 10 May 2024 Lesson for Saeed ibn Musayyib RA - Guarding Oneslf from Fitna of Women Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 10 May, 2024 English
15 18 Ramadaan 1445 / 29 March 2024 Allah Honours Aaisha Radiallahu Anha How Can We Associate with the Shias and The Friends of the Shias Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 29 March, 2024 English
16 21 Sha;ban 1445 / 03 March 2024 Switch the Light of Islam On &n Kufriyaat will Vanish Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 3 March, 2024 English
17 27 Jamadal Ukhra 1445 / 09 January 2024 Virtues of These Ten Ayaats Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 9 January, 2024 English
18 27 Jamadal Ukhra 1445 / 09 January 2024 Virtues of Tasbeeh-e-Fatimah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 9 January, 2024 English
19 14 Jamadal Ukhra 1445 / 28 December 2023 The Basis for Unity and The Causes for Disunity Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Thursday, 28 December, 2023 English
20 04 Rabi'ul Awwal 1445 / 19 September 2023 Malfoozat of Moulana Thanwi RA - Letter to The Modernist Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 19 September, 2023 English
21 27 Safar 1445 / 12 September 2023 Dont Justify The Wrong & Lessons from Hajji Nakoodah RA Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 12 September, 2023 English
22 09 Dhul Hijjah 1444 / 28 June 2023 The Greatest Day Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Wednesday, 28 June, 2023 English
23 01 Dhul Hijjah 1444 / 20 June 2023 The Virtues & Ibaadat of the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 20 June, 2023 English
24 17 Dhul Qa'dah 1444 / 06 May 2023 Remove The Crookedness From Ones Heart Otherwise One Will Deviate on Clear Matters of Deen Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 English
25 17 Dhul Qa'dah 1444 / 06 May 2023 True Love and Respect for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 English
26 06 Dhul Qa'dah 1444 / 26 May 2023 Be With Those On Haqq on the True Dien of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 26 May, 2023 English
27 14 Rajab 1444 / 04 February 2023 Respect of Ulama & Exposing The Falsehood Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Saturday, 4 February, 2023 English
28 14 Rajab 1444 / 04 February 2023 Pamphlets of Falsehood have an Opposite Effect Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Saturday, 4 February, 2023 English
29 07 Rajab 1444 / 29 Januray 2023 Be Vigilant Who You Take Your Deen From & Unity is Only On The Rope of Allah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 29 January, 2023 English
30 05 Rajab 1444 / 27 January 2023 Lessons from the Ulama of Bani Israeel & al-Siddiq – Deviating from the Truth for Peoples Sake Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 27 January, 2023 English
31 08 Jamaal Ukhra 1444 / 01 January 2023 Lessons from the Son of Haroon al Rasheed Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 1 January, 2023 English
32 09 Jamadal Ula 1444 / 04 December 2022 Satisfying The People Versus Establish The Command Of Allah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 4 December, 2022 English
33 Modernism – Who Should Be Allowed on The Mimbar of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam - Continued Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 20 November, 2022 English
34 Modernism – Who Should Be Allowed on The Mimbar of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Saturday, 19 November, 2022 English
35 Modernism - Ulama Used By The Enemy of Dien For Sinister Agendas Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Thursday, 17 November, 2022 English
36 Modernism - Ulama Who Are Used To Sell The Dien Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Wednesday, 16 November, 2022 English
37 17 Rabi'ul Akhir 1444 / 12 November 2022 The Basis of A Our Knowledge Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Saturday, 12 November, 2022 English
38 17 Rabi'ul Akhir 1444 / 12 November 2022 The Fitna of the Modernists Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Saturday, 12 November, 2022 English
39 22 Muharram 1444 / 20 August 2022 To Bring The True Reality of Deen in Ones Life Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 21 August, 2022 English
40 Amal for Cure for Cancer Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Wednesday, 17 August, 2022 English
41 09 Muharram 1444 / 08 August 2022 Reminder of Ashura Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Monday, 8 August, 2022 English
42 01 Dhul Hijjah 1443 / 01 July 2022 The Value of the 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 1 July, 2022 English
43 29 Ramadaan 1443 / 01 May 2022 Valuable Duas at the end of an Amal Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 20 May, 2022 English
44 29 Ramadaan 1443 / 01 May 2022 Lessons from Ayaaz Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 1 May, 2022 English
45 27 Rabi'ul Awwal 1443 / 02 November 2021 Association with the Righteous Ulama Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 2 November, 2021 English
46 03 Rabi'ul Awwal 1443 / 10 October 2021 Nikah Advices Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Sunday, 10 October, 2021 English
47 01 Rabi'ul Awwal 1443 / 08 October 2021 The Objective of Nikah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Friday, 8 October, 2021 English
48 23 Muharram 1443 / 31 August 2021 Prescription for Depression & Worries Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 31 August, 2021 English
49 09 Dhul Hijjah 1442 / 20 July 2021 The Value oft he 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 20 July, 2021 English
50 03 Dhul Hijjah 1442 / 13 July 2021 The Mercy of Allah Ta'ala Moulana Abdul Hamid Ishaq DB Tuesday, 13 July, 2021 English
