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Aah, that heart that does not possess the pain of Allahs love
Posted On Wed, 10/07/2024 - 11:09

 دو جہاں کا مزہ اس کو حاصل نہیں 

آہ جو دل ترے غم کا حامل نہیں

Aah, that heart that does not possess the pain of your love, he has not attained the enjoyment of both the worlds.

Our sheikh Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar saab was a personification of love, meaning if you had to see love in a human form, then you should see it In Hazrat. There was that true love of Allah Ta’ala.

Hazrat takes a deep sigh ‘aah’. That heart which doesn’t have the love Allah Ta’ala. What is that heart, that heart is like nothing. Those that have that love for Allah Ta’ala they feel that sadness for those that don’t have that love.

Our Sheikh rahimuhullah, may Allah reward him, we never knew that was something like the love of Allah Ta’ala. Hazrat came and taught us that is the real love, and that is the only love. With what feeling Hazrat might be saying this poem Aah that heart which doesn’t possess Allah.

We should all check ourselves, how much of the love of Allah is in our hearts. When a person loves someone, the thought of the beloved is in the...

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