Words of wisdom

Yahya bin Muaaz Rahmatullah-e-Alayh says,

There isn’t any respect for a person that disobeys Allah Jalla Jala Laho

If a person desires respect then he should always obey Allah Jalla Jala Laho We search for respect in money, luxury homes, latest model vehicles, cell phones, etc. We ensure that these things are noticed by others, so that people are aware that we are using the latest phone. To attain this objective we will use it in front of others with style. This proves that we regard respect in these things but it is only in the obedience of Allah Ta'ala.

The Buzurgs have written that those that attach importance to these things are clear indications that they are internally empty. The more a person is filled internally is so simple externally. Our great Buzurgs were extremely simple in their external dress even though it was connected to Deen. The great Buzurgs weren’t even particular of straightening their Topis. This had indicated their internal condition.

Nowadays, people are particular of their topies, shoes, sandals, and desire to be noticed. Maulana Muhammad Gardee Saheb of White river had visited Hadrat Maulana Habibur Rahman Aazmi of Aazam Gar. He says, “I found him wearing a simple vest with many holes on them.” He says, “When I embraced him I was unable to leave him.” The insignificant worldly things didn’t matter to these Buzurgs. Hadrat Sheikh says that for six months he never changed his Kurta.

We are so concerned of the creams, cosmetics, brushing our hair. This is the way of the women but the men have also fallen into these things. We should remember respect is only in the obedience of Allah Ta'ala.

Further he states,

“Nor has any intelligent man given preference to Dunya over the Aakhirah”

The simple reason being that Dunya is temporary and the Aakhirat is eternal. A person that gives preference to the Aakhirat will spend his money in the path of Allah Jalla Jala Laho with great relish. He will spend his time in the path of Allah Ta'ala, perform his Salaah with concentration, as the Aakhirah is the real abode of a person. Indeed fortunate is the one upon whom Allah Ta'ala opens up the reality of the world and he realises that it has absolutely no value.

In this time and era we see that people have given up the Dunya. An I.T. specialist of Pietermaritzburg who is still a young person, has given up his occupation in order to prepare for the Aakhirat. He says that he has outstanding Qadaah Salaah which he wants to get up to date. He wants to complete his Hifz-ul-Quraan which was left uncompleted. He says that the world is just a temporary phase, and as an I.T. specialist the worldly life is given preference. You should have a certain type of credit card as you are given status on account of these things. He says that he has realised that these things hold no value. He is similar to Ibrahim bin Adham but in this time and age.