Valuable advices of Hadrat Thanwi RA if one wants to be cured from spiritual remedies

Hadrat Thanwi R.A says that one should totally refrain from keeping contact with Na-mahram women or even young lads. One should refrain from glancing at them, speaking to them in person or even over the phone and deriving enjoyment. Unfortunately our nature has become such that we desire to see them and interact with them all the time whereas merely being in the environment of women has an adverse effect on a person. Many people change their tone when in conversation when women or neaten themselves in order to impress the opposite party, many men joke with women out of courtesy and feel that they are displaying good character by doing so.

As long as a person does not abstain from such interaction in totality, one will not be able to attain extreme love of Allah Ta'ala. Sheikh Feroze Memon who is a Khalifa of Hadrat Hakim Saheb R.A told a person that was sitting with his family and watching a wrestling match, if you watch the news that is being presented by a woman then won’t you desire that woman? He replied in the positive. Sheikh then said to him, “Won’t your wife then desire the wrestlers that are being watched?” He immediately understood and said that I am opening the doors of Fitna.  

Hadrat Thanwi R.A says, “I am speaking the truth, don’t even create a slight contact with women as the harms are unimaginable. Due to such errors many wives leave their husbands and want to marry elsewhere.

Hadrat Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar Saheb R.A explains that if the electricity department informs a locality that on a certain day electricity will be disconnected between 08:00 – 17:00, but the electrical cables should always be treated as live as the electricity department could re-connect the electrical supply to conduct. In a similar manner a person may think that he has no desire for women but no one can take things for granted as desire could spur up in a person. No person is protected from sin except that person who is protected by Allah Ta'ala.

In order to protect one’s glances from glancing at women one will have to remain in the companionship of the Ahlullah (friends of Allah Ta'ala) and request them continuously to make Dua for us.

Also, one should be punctual with the Zikr of Allah Ta'ala. A person that eats well and sleeps well is always fresh and lively whereas a person that lacks sleep or does not eat well is lethargic and tired. Similarly those that do not make their Zikr nor do they recite Quraan Sharif regularly, and miss their Salaah, get tempted and attracted to women in person or over the net, etc. The Zikr of Allah is extremely beneficial in protecting a person.

One person wrote to Maulana Saleem Dhorat Saheb that he has no time for Tilaawat of Quraan. Maulana responded by saying that it is not a matter of not having any time but the importance of recitation of Quraan is not in your life. Generally people ensure that they find time for those things that are important in their life. Many people leave out Zikrullah as they don’t find any enjoyment in it. Hadrat Thanwi R.A. says that a person doesn’t get the enjoyment of Zikrullah but continues making Zikr will eventually gain the companionship of Allah Ta'ala and the condition of his heart will improve as well.

This can be understood by an example, if you visit a certain person daily who is close to you, then such a person will enquire about you the day you are unable to visit him. The person that makes Zikrullah and recites the Quraan Sharif is so to say sitting by Allah Ta'ala. When he establishes a relationship with Allah Ta'ala then all the luxuries and enjoyments of the world mean absolutely nothing to him. This can be further understood by another example, a person wants to travel from point A to point B. He travels on a beautiful road that has beautiful flowers, water fountains, green grass etc. He enjoys the drive but his concern is to reach the destination. If he drives on a road that has potholes and may be un-enjoyable, then also it will not really bother him as his intention is to reach his destination. Similarly a person that wants to reach Allah Ta'ala is not concerned of the glitter and glamour of the world as he has an objective in mind. In conclusion, the Zikr of Allah Ta'ala assists a person in reaching this objective and goal.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us the Taufeeq of making Amal. Ameen!