Taubah will distance a person from sins

دنیا کی ہر برائی سے دامن چتک گئے

Every evil of the world has fallen from my lap. 

All evil, just fell off from my life and from my lap when I left all forms of sin by making Taubah.

التائب من الذنب كمن لا ذنب له

The one that repents from sins is like one who has not committed any sin.

A person that makes Taubah, his sins fall away just as the leaves fall off a tree in autumn by itself.  Whilst clearing the leaves that have fallen, more leaves fall and a person gets tired of clearing it up. Similarly, the sins of a person will fall off a person by making Taubah.

ایک جست میں سالک مولی تلک گئے

A person treading the path of Tasawwuf will reach Allah c in one leap.

In one second a person reaches Allah Ta'ala. A person gets strongly connected to AllahTa'ala immediately. For example, the Kalimah-Tawheed is the Kalimah of Islaam. It is regarded as Kalimah-e-Kemia(a Kalimah of alchemy). A Kaafir becomes a Mu’min by reciting the Kalimah, which does not take long to recite. A Kaafir that was a Jahannami becomes a Jannati by reciting the Kalimah. The Kaafir was one that was hated by Allah Ta'ala as he was a non-believer. Now he has become Mahboob (the beloved of Allah Ta'ala). Everything has now changed. All you have to do is make Taubah.

Hadrat Maulana Shah Maseehullah Saheb R.A. used to say, if a person just decides to make Taubah whilst listening to a Bayaan, he should not wait to give one Chilla in Jamaat, or for the month of Ramdaan, or for the time of Tahajjud, nor should he wait for Umrah or to attend the Majlis of his Sheikh. He should repent in the heart immediately without any form of facial expression by saying,“Ya Allah! I make Taubah and I am changing my life.” Before this person even gets up from the gathering, he is a Wali of Allah Ta'ala. The minute you repent, Allah Ta'ala crowns you with Wilayat irrespective of the sins that you had committed. If you are a person that wears his trousers below the ankles, then whilst sitting in the majlis turn your pants up as you are unable to go home and change your trouser. If you do not have a beard, you will not be able to grow the beard immediately even though you apply fertilizer. However, the moment you had repented, you were freed from the sin of not growing a beard. If you were to pass away without the beard, you will not be questioned as to why you did not keep a Sunnat beard. Taubah totally demolishes the sins of a person and takes a person directly into Jannat.