Strategy Towards Fulfilling Each Other's Rights

The Deen of Islam is a natural religion and its teachings are perfectly suited to the needs of the creation. Every individual teaching of Islam contains great benefit. However the perfection of every teaching must be in conformity to the whole of Deen. An example of a machine, every bolt in the machine is significant in order for it to work smoothly and to operate in symphony with the larger parts of the machine, to produce maximum results. Likewise every teaching of Islam correlated with the collective teachings of Islam will also produce maximum results. The framework of Shariat comprises of the following basic teachings:

  1. Correct beliefs.

  2. Righteous deeds.

  3. Sincerity and morality.

  4. Control of the Nafs at the time of conflicting emotions. To bear in mind the reprisal of the hereafter, whereby for every act of oppression, one’s years of accepted, sincere Ibaadat in the form of Namaaz, Roza, etc. will be confiscated to fulfil the rights of the one who was oppressed.

  5. If one had committed such acts then with great remorse and regret one should repent and beg Allah for forgiveness and one should ask the person who was oppressed for forgiveness. Even if it is humiliating, even if the person is one’s sub-ordinate then he should still ask for forgiveness from him or her.

The matter of “Huqooqul Ibaad” is a very weighty matter. Nabi Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam, despite being the noble leader and benefactor to the Sahabah (RA), who were such companions to Nabi Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam that they would sacrifice their lives to prevent the minutest difficulty to their beloved master. A master who possessed such a lofty character that Allah says in the Quran,

“Certainly thou art upon the noblest of character.” (68:03)

This was the noble character of Nabi Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam however despite this, at the time of his demise, in a state of pain and feverish weakness, Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam ascends the Mimbar of his blessed masjid. His Mubarak head was enshrouded with a bandage, he was supported by his cousin Fadhl bin Abbas (RA), and he gathers the Sahabah (RA) and commences a sermon thus,

“The moments of departure have dawned. Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam openly permits anyone that he had wronged in any way to gladly come forward and avenge their wrongs. That person should not fear the slightest retribution or displeasure by Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam, as it is not his habit to harbour any malice nor is it befitting him. I love that a person avenges himself or opts to forgive me. I wish to meet Allah with a clear conscience. I am not satisfied with one announcement.”

After the Zuhr Salaah Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam ascended the Mimbar a second time and repeated the sermon, furthermore advising the companions (RA),

“Those who are in credit with their rights to fulfil their rights at the closest opportunity and to reject the fear of disgrace and humiliation, for verily the disgrace of the Aakhiraat is far more severe. One of the companions (RA) arose and said, “O Nabi of Allah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam, you owe me three dirhams.” In reply Nabi Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, “I do not falsify the claimant nor do I demand a sworn statement from him, I merely wish to understand the circumstances surrounding the debt. The person replied that once a beggar asked of Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam and the beggar was referred to him, hence the debt was incurred. Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam instructed Hazrat Fadhl (RA) to pay the man. Thereafter many people came to Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam and requested Duas from him, some began confessing their sins. Hazrat Umar (RA) chided them for revealing their faults, Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam prevented him saying, “O, Umar the disgrace of the world is insignificant in comparison to the disgrace of the hereafter.” Hazrat Umar (RA) addressed the crowd regarding some matter, whereupon Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, “Umar is with me and I am with Umar. After me the Haq (truth) will follow Umar.” Thereafter Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam delivered the same sermon to the womenfolk in the house of Hazrat Ayesha (RA).”


BY: Sufi Iqbal Sahib

This is an extract from the  Kitaab which is meant to help and encourage our daughters in Islam, to bring Deen into their marriages, homes and the lives of the children.