Advices for the month of Ramadaan Vol 2

Ramadhan advices by  Moulana Abdul Hamid Saheb Daamat Barkaatuhum

We should beg Allah Ta’ala for forgiveness at the end of every action whether Salaah, Fasting, etc.

Salaah and fasting are not acts of sin yet we seek forgiveness as we are unable to carry out these actions as we ought to.

Allah Ta’ala praises the Sahaaba in the Quraan who would seek forgiveness at the time of Tahajjud.

Mulla Ali Qari R.A. has written, “When Istighfaar benefits the Kuffar, then will it not benefit the pious believers?” Certainly it will!

Allah Ta’ala does not only forgive wholesale but he even converts our evil deeds into good deeds.

Allah Ta’ala forgives in great abundance as He is “Gafoor-ul-Wadood” (Most Forgiving and Most loving). Due to His excessive love for his creation he forgives.

Time is abstract therefore we regard it to be insignificant. We should ponder over the importance of time.

Allah Ta’ala has also created the measurement of time which is another bounty. We have 12 months in a year, 30 days per month, 24 hrs per day. Without these measurements we wouldn’t have known that it is Ramdaan.

The person that does not value time is certainly in loss. Many people pass time in Ramdaan. In reality they are failing time.

Look after the seconds and the minutes will look after themselves. Look after the minutes and the hours will look after themselves. Look after the hours and the days will look after themselves.

We complain of no Barakah in time which is the consequence of wasting time.

The Hadith states, “The day announces to every individual on a daily basis, I have come to you once in your life therefore you should carry out whatever good deeds you are able to carry out and abstain from all forms of evil. Do not spoil this day”

Many people have sought forgiveness for their sins. Did anyone ever seek forgiveness for the time wasted in one’s life?

People fall ill and lose their health. Many lose their wealth but then recoup their losses. Time is such a commodity that if lost it can never be regained.

How many people want to pass time in the month of Ramdaan whereas there isn’t sufficient time to carry out the basic Ibaadaat.

A supplication of Hadrat Ibrahim n is recorded in the Quraan, “Do not disgrace me on the Qiyaamah. A day when neither wealth nor children will benefit one, except a person that comes to Allah Ta’ala with a sound heart.”

We visit the doctors to check our cholesterol levels, sugar levels, good fats, bad fats, etc. We should carry out an open heart surgery in order to check the condition of our heart.   

If we realise that we are spiritually ill we should consult with the spiritual doctors who are known as the Mashaaikh.

The first sign of a healthy heart is that a person spends his wealth in good causes. If a person finds it difficult to spend his wealth in good causes but is prepared to spend his wealth in luxuries and entertainment then this is a sign of an unhealthy heart.

The second sign of a healthy heart is that a person will guide his children towards acts of virtue. (He will give them Deen)

The third sign of a healthy heart is that the heart is free of all corrupt beliefs such as superstition, bad luck, etc.

The fourth sign of a healthy heart is that it is not overpowered by lust and desire to such an extent that it takes one towards Jahannam.

The fifth sign of a healthy heart is that it is void of all things except Allah Ta’ala.

We generally think that we have Deen in our lives because we dress in Islamic attire (i.e. Kurta, Topi, beard, etc.) Islamic attire will not suffice when the heart of a person is spiritually ill.